Buena Vista Elementary is better known to Dad as this name
What is "Darb Vist?"
How Taco Bell might share disappointing news
What is "we don't serve cake here?"
An epic production of artistry and dance celebrating five millennia of rich Chinese culture before communism
What is Shen Darb?
Dad set this on fire during pyrotechnics...I mean yearbook class
What is a girl's hair?
On her 23rd birthday, Dad gave Kaylee a shirt referencing this Taylor Swift song, leaving the birthday girl happy, free, and confused
What is "22?"
Dad says this when he gets up from the couch
What is "oogabooga?"
How Dad might describe the difficulty level of casting a line
What is "fishing's easy!?"
This pup does beach
Who is Ken?
Dad stole from this recreational establishment and recreated it on a friend’s lawn
What is a golf course?
Dad broke this one fateful Christmas morning
What is Kaylee's booty?
Dad might say this after bro-ing it up with Homer Simpson
What is "DOH!?"
Dad might ask this upon meeting a Mormon named Molly
This character famously asked, “You’re breaking up with me because I’m too… SWEET?!”
Who is Elle Woofs?
Friends threw these at a security guard from his dorm room window
What are hot dogs?
Dad's pants fell down at the home of this coiled citrus
What is Twisted Lime?
Awesome, rad, and lit are synonyms for this sweet phrase
What is "plaid cookie?"
How dad might express that he couldn’t make it to the bathroom in time
What is "oops I crapped my pants?"
Who’s seen it?!?!
What is Teen Beach Movie?
Dad threw these at couples getting cozy in their cars
What are oranges?
Dad's lost his wedding ring in these four locations
What are Black Rock, Huntington Beach, the Truckee River, and Kauai?
This expression of agreement rhymes with the name of our president-elect
What is "yump?"
How a forgetful friend might address an envelope
What is "you know the one?"
This Farmer’s dog likes chicken feed
Who is Kit Kittredge?
Dad once ordered a sequin pillow with this wizard’s name
Who is Harry Potter?
Thankfully, Dad has failed to accomplish his senior superlative
What is "most likely to die talking?"