"Üksinda kodus" staari täisnimi korrektse kirjapildiga?
The star of "Home Alone" with the correct spelling?
Macaulay Culkin
Riigis on 5 lammast inimese kohta ehk suurim suhtearv maailmas. Kokku 5.1 miljonit inimest ehk 26 miljonit lammast. Mis riik?
The country has 5 sheep to a person which makes it the greatest sheep-person ratio in the world. Its human population is 5.1 million, so 26 million sheep. Which country?
"Whether you're Muslim, whether you're Christian, where you're Jewish, everyone loves Christmas."
A quote from the 45. president of the States.
Perfomed by - title - year of release?
Wham! - Last Christmas (1986)
Selle spordiala väljaku mõõtmed pole kivisse raiutud. Juhtiv assotsiatsioon on andnud pelgalt soovituse, et see võiks olla 105x68m. Reaalsuses kõiguvad väljaku mõõdud üle maailma pikkuses vahemikus 90-120m.
This field for a sport has no certain measurements. The leading association has merely given a recommendation that it should be 105x68 meters. In reality, the fields vary in height between 90-120m all around the globe.
Theodor Seuss Geisel alias Dr Seuss (s 1904 USA) lõi jõuluaja vastuolulise karakteri, kes sai tänavu 65-aastaseks.
Theodor Seuss Geisel aka Dr Seuss (b 1904 USA) created a controversial character for Christmas who turned 65 this year.
Pikim kohanimi inglise keelt kõnelevas riigis on Taumatawhakatangihangaoauauotameteaturipukakapikimaungah-oronukupokaiwhenuakitanatahu ja asub eelmise küsimuse vastuses. Kellele kuulub auväärt teine koht?
The longest name for a place in English speaking countries is that in bold and is located in the country from the previous answer. Which country hold the silver medal for the second longest name for a place in English speaking countries?
Wales. Llanfairpwllgwyngyllgogerychwyrndrobwllllantysiliogogogoch “St Mary’s Church in the Hollow of the White Hazel near a Rapid Whirlpool and the Church of St. Tysilio near the Red Cave.”.
Ilmselt kuulsaim Grinchi kehastaja, aga ka "A Christmas Carol" animatsioonis Scrooge’i kehastanud - kanada päritolu koomik, 60-aastane, enim MTV filmiauhindu saanud näitleja.
Probably the most famous actor for Grinch, also Scrooge from the animation "A Christmas Carol" - originally from Canada, 60yo, the most MTV Movie Awards.
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Šilling suri suuresti 20. sajandil välja, enne seda oli laialt kasutusel UKs, Austraalias, Uus-Meremaal ja teistes Briti koloniaalmaades. Siiski pole see rahaühik täielikult kadunud. Mitmes riigis on šilling endiselt käibel?
Schilling isn't really around anymore since the 20th century but was widely used in the UK, Australia, New-Zealand and in British commonwealth countries. Nevertheless, it has not entirely gone. How many countries still use schilling as a currency?
(1p for each named country)
Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda, Somalia, as well as the de facto country of Somaliland.
Bob Cratchit, Tiny Tim, Jacob Marley - millise jõuluklassika tegelased?
Which Christmas classic's characters?
(+1p for the author)
A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens.
Eesti pikim SEE on 48,6-meetrine ja asub Põlvamaal. Eelmine teadaolev rekordiomanik oli 44,1-meetrine.
The longest IT is 48,6 meters high and is in Põlva county. The previous known record holder was 44,1m
Puu (kuusk)
A tree (spruce)
Tema keskmine nimi on Tintin Eleonora Ernman, Time ajakirja "2018 aasta mõjukaim teismeline" ja "2019 Aasta Inimene".
Her middle name is Tintin Eleonora Ernman, "The most influential teen of 2018" and "The person of the year" in 2019.
Greta Thunberg
Perfomed by - title - year of release
Michael Bublé - It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas (2011)
Dorothy, Rose, Blanche, and Sophia - millise seriaali (1985-1992) tegelased?
Dorothy, Rose, Blanche, and Sophia - characters from which TV series (1985-1992)?
"Libe liug" - bobikelgutajad Jamaikalt. Üks tegelane kandis pükstes õnnetoovad talismani, mida enne starti suudles. Mis talisman see oli?
"Cool runnings" - a bobsled team from Jamaica. One character wore a lucky charm in his pants to kiss before the start. What was that lucky charm?
An egg.
Ovofoobia - foobia munade suhtes. “Always make the audience suffer as much as possible.” Milline filmirežissöör? Palus ühe oma filmistseeni juures Salvador Dali abi.
Ovophobia - phobia for eggs. “Always make the audience suffer as much as possible.” Which movie director? Also asked Salvador Dali's help for one of his movie scenes.
Alfred Hitchcock
Perfomed by - title - year of release
The Pogues - Fairytale of New York (1988)
Nimeta vikerkaarevärvid õiges järjekorras.
Name the colors of the rainbow in its correct order.
Punane, oranž, kollane, roheline, sinine, tumesinine/indigo, violetne
Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet
"Tiliseb, tiliseb" - Arnold Schwarzenegger ajab mööda ilma lapsele kingitust taga. Mis mänguasi?
"Jingle All The Way" - A. Schwarzenegger goes after a certain Christmas gift for his kid. What's the name of that toy?
Turbo man.
On tõestatud, et 65 miljonit aastat tagasi Maad tabanud astereoid, mis ka dinosaurused maamunalt pühkis, tabas just seda tänapäevast riiki. Riigist pärineb ka maailma väikseim koeratõug ning enim UNESCO pärandiga paikasid (33).
It has been proven that the asteroid that hit the Earth 65 million years ago and made the dinosaurs go extinct, hit that modern day country. The world's smallest dog bree also originates from there and it has the most UNESCO heritage sites (33) in the world.
180m2 crater found in 1981.
Tema sünnipäev (2.10) on tunnistatud rahvusvaheliseks vägivallavastaseks päevaks. On olnud Time ajakirja “Aasta mees". Pärast tema mõrva oli leinarong väidetavalt 8-kilomeetrine.
His bday (October the 2nd) is now the International Day of Nonviolence. He has been "The man of the year" of Time magazine. After his murder, the funeral procession was claimed to be 8km long.
Mahatma Gandhi
Perfomed by - title - year of release
(+1p for every named featuring artist)
Snoop Doggy Dogg - Santa Claus Goes Straight to the Ghetto (1996)
featuring: Big Tray Deee, Bad Azz, Daz Dillinger, Nate Dogg)
Šotimaa rahvusloom, esimest korda mainitud antiik-kreeklaste poolt, siniste või lillade silmadega, võime haavu ravida.
Scotland's national animal, first mentioned by the ancient Greeks, has blue or violet eyes, healing powers for wounds.