Jingle Bells
"Dashing through the snow, in a one horse open sleigh, o're the fields we go, laughing all the way.
____________ ring, making spirits shine"
Bells on Bobtails
Buddy the elf cooks this for his family for breakfast.
Spaghetti with syrup
This is how you say Merry Christmas in Spanish.
Feliz Navidad
This is where gingerbread originated.
For Hanukkah, the Menorah hold this many candles.
Its Beginning to Look a Lot like Christmas
"It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas, everywhere you go. Take a look at the __________."
Bonus: What does this mean?
5 and 10
its a convenience store
Its a Wonderful Life
The name of the angel who saves George Bailey.
In "Angels We Have Heard on High", the lyrics "Gloria in excelsis Deo" are in this language.
Bonus: What does it mean?
Glory to God in the highest
This non-candy treat was a common stocking stuffer during The Great Depression.
Diwali is a celebration of this.
"You've got garlic in your soul, Mr. Grinch, I wouldn't touch you with a __________."
39 and a half foot pole.
The Santa Clause
It takes Judy the Elf 1200 years to get this recipe right.
This is how you say Santa Clause in French.
A) Bon Nichola
B) Père Noel
C) Sante Cleaux
The more common name for "Figgy Pudding".
Fruit Cake
Kwanzaa is celebrated for this many days.
I Want a Hippopotamus for Christmas
"There's lots of room for him, in our two car garage. I'd feed him there and wash him there and give him ________."
his massage
The Polar Express
He is the boy to whom Santa gives the first gift of Christmas.
Bonus: What's the gift?
Hero Boy / NA
A sleigh bell
The Ballet The Nutcracker originated in this country.
Bonus: What about the figurines?
This December day is National Candy cane day.
December 26th
This is the reason Hanukkah is celebrated.
Carol of the Bells
"Hark! How the bells, sweet silver bells, all seam to say, throw cares away. Christmas is here, bringing good cheer, to young and old, _______."
meek and the bold
Home Alone
There are supposed to be this many McAllister Children headed to the airport.
In Japan, there is a tradition to visit this American fast food chain on Christmas day.
This bird was the most popular main dish in medieval Christmas feasts.
On January 1st, in addition to a change in year, South Koreans also celebrate this.
Everyone being one year older.