According to 12 days of Christmas, the partridge was sitting on this type of tree.
What is Pear Tree.
The number of horses pulling the sleigh in the song “Jingle Bells”.
What is One.
It made Frosty come to life in the movie “Frosty the Snowman”.
What is His Hat.
2020 Onisile Family Christmas Jeopardy
These 3 gifts were brought to baby Jesus by the wise men.
What is Gold, Frankincense and Myrrh.
2020 Onisile Family Christmas Jeopardy
Every elf has this ornament at the tip of their shoes.
What are Bells.
It is the name given to small sausage wrapped in bacon or pastry, a staple at British Christmas dinners.
What is Pigs in blankets.
Another name for the song “O Tannenbaum”
What is Oh Christmas Tree.
He’s the author of A Christmas Carol.
Who is Charles Dickens.
2020 Onisile Family Christmas Jeopardy
According to the Holy Bible, Jesus was born in a ——-.
What is a Manger {stable}.
2020 Onisile Family Christmas Jeopardy
This is the most popular ornament placed on top of the Christmas tree.
What is Angel.
It’s the name of the skin that hangs from a turkey’s neck.
What is a Wattle.
The number of “la”s after the “fa” in Deck the Halls.
What is 8.
2020 Onisile Family Christmas Jeopardy
It’s the number of ghosts in A Christmas Carol.
What is Four.
2020 Onisile Family Christmas Jeopardy
This songs talks about multiple days of the Christmas celebration.
What is 12 days of Christmas.
2020 Onisile Family Christmas Jeopardy
This country gifted the Christmas tree that was placed at the Trafalgar Square in London.
What is Norway.
It’s the country where Gingerbread houses started.
What is Germany.
The song Lucy asked Schroeder to play on his piano in “A Charlie Brown Christmas”.
What is Jingle Bells.
2020 Onisile Family Christmas Jeopardy
This is the bad guy Rudolph had to avoid.
Who is The Abominable Snowman.
2020 Onisile Family Christmas Jeopardy
This relative got ran over by a reindeer.
Who is Grandma.
2020 Onisile Family Christmas Jeopardy
This country houses the world’s largest nativity scene.
What is Switzerland.
This popular Christmas treat in England has dried fruit and spices and once contained meat.
What is Mince pie {mincemeat pie}.
The number of geese laying in “The 12 days of Christmas”.
What is 6.
2020 Onisile Family Christmas Jeopardy
This department store was featured in a popular Christmas movie.
What is Macy’s {Miracle on 34th Street}.
2020 Onisile Family Christmas Jeopardy
It’s what Santa Claus is called in France.
What is Pere Noel.
2020 Onisile Family Christmas Jeopardy
This is when the Russian Orthodox Church celebrates Christmas.
When is January 7th.