This is a Green man that likes to steal presents, who is he?
The Grinch.
One of if not the most famous christmas songs, something bells something bells are the opening words, what is this song called?
Jingle bells.
What season is christmas in?
You spin this object, what is it?
A Dreidel.
What is christmas called in england?
This boy comes up with some creative ideas to stop robbers.
Home alone kid (Kevin Mcallister)
This music artist has written to many christmas songs that it is unfunny at this point.
Taylor Swift.
What day is christmas?
The 25th.
How many days are in Hanukkah?
8 days.
Here in boca what event happens at mizner park in christmas season?
Mizner Tree lighting.
Buddy the who?
Buddy the elf.
Some call this woman the queen of christmas music, who is she?
Miraha Carey.
In this tradition you give gifts to other secretly, what is it?
Secret Santa.
What foods can you not eat on Hanukkah?
Pork, shellfish and almost all insects.
This man on christmas day is feared in many countries such as us who is it?
What is the movie in which a boy is on a train that takes him around?
Polar Express.
This song was written by Phillip Springer, and is currently considered the worst christmas song.
Santa Baby.
DOUBLE JEOPARDY!!!! (Double the money)
In this tradition you have to find a ornament on a tree, what is the ornament?
A pickle.
What are the objects you light the candles on?
How do you say Merry Christmas in spanish?
Feliz navidad.
This very old film from 1964 that formed one of our biggest christmas mascots is called what?
Rudolph the red nosed reindeer.
Final Jeopardy!!!!!!! (You can bet your money)
_____ night.
Silent Night
This cake is very popular around christmas time, what is it?
Fruit cake
Where is the world's largest Menorah?
New york!!