What city was Jesus born in?
Whose stable did Mary and Joseph stay in?
Inn Keeper
What do angels often say first when they visit people?
Do not be afraid!
This guided the Wise Men to Jesus
a quiet night?
silent night
What town did Mary and Joseph live in?
The King who tried to have Jesus killed?
What was Jesus wrapped in after He was born?
swaddling clothes
How did Joseph know to take his family to Egypt?
Go speak this on a hill?
Go tell it on the mountain
What direction did the wisemen travel from?
Which two gospel writers, wrote about the birth of Jesus?
Luke and John
Where was Jesus laid after he was born?
Was Jesus actually born on December 25th?
"And heaven and nature sing"
Joy to the World
Where did Mary and Joseph flee to with Jesus?
Which prophet foretold a virgin shall give birth to a son called Emmanuel?
The 3 gifts that the Wise Men gave Jesus
Gold, frankincense and myrrh
Who appeared to tell Mary that she would be with child?
Angel Gabriel
"The shepherd boy says this to the mighty king"
Do you hear what I hear
Which country is Bethlehem located in today?A.Palestine or B. Israel
The Prophet who foretold that the Savior would be born in Bethlehem?
What does the name Emmanuel mean?
God with us
What chapter of Luke contains the Christmas story?
chapter 2
This popular Christmas song was actually written for Thanksgiving
Jingle Bells