When Brooke was 5 years old, she loved to dress up as _____________ ?
Snow White
What is Michele's spirit animal?
The Tortoise (turtle)
Orange chicken or Panda Express
Bella is a cattle dog, and Evy is a _________cat
Tuxedo (or a meow cat)
Peter has many favorite foods, but the "type" he likes the best is usually cooked this way?
Fried..yes fried...for the love of god..fried!
Brooke used to cry if this happened when she ate dinner, lunch or breakfast?
If her food touched each other on her plate!
Michele's secret movie star crush is this actor? Hugh Jackman, Brad Pitt, Viggo Mortensen, Leonardo DiCarpio
Viggo Mortensen
What does the name Elizabeth mean? (hint Religious)
Means God as my oath or pledge to God
Who is smarter..Bella or Evy
The most important principle taught to Brooke but she sometimes forgets is?
Family is more important than friends!
Brooke inherited this from her dad?
Her finger toes! (feet)
What actress on Ferris Bueller's Day Off does Michele's high school picture look like? (need name of actress)
Jennifer Grey
If Elizabeth could be a famous person...she would be..Hillary Clinton, Elizabeth Warren, Pink, or Oprah
What animal does Bella likes to chase?
Michele's Indian tribe is Miniwankin, which is a subgroup of this bigger tribe?
Sioux Indian --Sioux Nation
Brooke was once friends with a "choker" that also had the same name as one of the seasons, what was her name?
Michele had a choice of professions, one was a social worker, the other was being a ?
Stock Broker (Investment Analyst)
While Elizabeth can read "signs" like the professional she is...a little known fact is that in high school she was very good in which subject?
What was the name of Evy's brother
Elizabeth would rather ship at Walmart than buy from? (she can't stand this merchandiser)
What physical accomplishment, besides dance, is Brooke is most proud?
She climbed a 14er mountain in the dark at summer camp.
If Michele had a past life, she was a________ so where would you find her? (Two part question)
Mermaid and the sea
Elizabeth is the undisputed best astrologer of all time, so she would say that the best zodiac sign is_______
Leo...of course!
If Evy could talk to Bella, what would she say?
Why don't you pay attention to me?
The best Christmas gift is????
connecting with each other and being grateful that we have each other