To push or hitch the ball of the foot across the floor dropping the heel at almost the same time. Change of weight is optional
Decorations of Red on A ______ _______ _______
Shim Sham Shimmy
8&1, 2&3, 4&5&, 6&7
Complete this famous line from Elf: "The best way to spread Christmas cheer is ________"
Signing loud for all to hear
The age Shirley Temple was when she made her Tap dance film debut?
Strike the floor with the ball of the foot and release it immediately. Slight accent and no change of weight.
Ball stud
Hear the snow crunch see ___ _____ _____
The Kids Bunch
2 turning maxifords (with pick-up change), 1 posé turn and a double chainé turn
&1a&a2, &3a&a4, 5, 6, &7, &8
Which Christmas carol does Lucy ask Schroeder to play for her on his piano?
Jinge Bells
This modern movie released in 2016 features a tap dancing duo
La La Land
Spring into the air from both feet, simultaneously scraping the outer edge of both feet outwards, brushing both feet in and landing on the balls of both feet.
Double Wing
Lets take the road before us sing _ _____ __ ____
A chorus or two
Riffel Drawback
&a1a&a2, &a3a&a4
What did Kevin Mcallister have a coupon for at the grocery store?
Orange Juice
What two cultures influenced the origins of tap dance?
African and Irish
A dig onto a straight supporting leg, on releve. Change of weight is optional
I'm dreaming of a white Christmas with every _______ ______ _____ __ ______
Christmas card I write
Step cabriole, leap shuffle ball-change, shuffle pick-up change cramp-roll, ball-change, shuffle pick-up change cramp-roll, ball-change
1, 2, 3a&a4, aa&aaa5, &6, aa&aaa7, &8
In Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer, what does Hermey wish he could be instead
A dentist
A broadway show released in the 1980's, featured tap and brought a resurgence to tap in broadway
42nd Street
Same as a Pick-Up Change Cramp-Roll but begin with a forward Brush. This Cramproll does not change feet.
Pendulum Pickup Change Cramp Roll
Count ... (two beats) & 1 & a 2; (one beat) & a & a a 1
A face on a _____ with a _____ __ ___ _____
lover, fire in his heart
What are the steps that match these counts (hint: it's all one exercise with steps such as single wings, pickups, and dig deep for the last step!) :
a&a1, a&a2, a&a3, &4, a&a5, a&a6, a&a7, &8
a&a1, &2, a&a3, &4, a5, a6, a7, a8
3 single wing toe-tap ending with 1 ball-change, 3 swap wing toe-tap ending with 1 ball-change. Brush (forward) pick-up step, ball-change, repeat brush pick-up step, ball-change on the other foot, 4 running trenches
How many lights were on the Griswold's house in National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation?
The first and most important rule of tap ...
Bend your knees!!!!!!!!