How old was Jesus when He was given His name?
8 days
When the angel visited Mary, what other woman did he mention?
Her relative Elizabeth
According to the angel who visited the shepherds, where was Jesus born?
The City of David
Which direction did the Wise Men come from?
What is the name of Trinity's sermon series for this Christmas season?
His Gospel is Peace
What book of the Bible is the birth of Jesus first promised?
T/F: Jesus was born in a stable
According to the Bible's words, why did Mary and Joseph go to Bethlehem over a less crowded town?
Joseph was of the house and lineage of David
The angel gave the shepherds 3 signs to find Jesus...what were they?
2) Wrapped in swaddling cloth
3) Lying in a manger
How many Wise Men were there?
Name all 5 candles on the Advent wreath
Hope, Peace, Joy, Love, Christ
Who did God promise would have an "Eternal Kingdom" through Jesus
King David
Who were the first recorded NT people to die for Jesus' sake?
The babies king Herod murdered
What are the two names the angel gave for Mary's baby when he visited Joseph?
Jesus & Immanuel
What popular Christmas song is inspired by the story of the shepherds?
Go Tell It On The Mountain
Approximately how old was Jesus when the Wise Men came to visit?
What does the Advent wreath symbolize
Wonderful, Mighty, Everlasting
According to the angel, why should Joseph name the baby Jesus?
He will save the people from their sins
What was the song called that Mary sang after she found out Jesus would be born?
The Magnificat
Find the mistake in this sentence...
"For unto you is born today in the city of David..."
Today = "This day"
What is the significance of each gift the Wise Men brought?
Gold - riches for a king
Frankincense - spices used for royalty
Myrrh - used for royalty burial (foreshadow)
It's the same time as a pagan holiday that celebrates the sun
Which Prophet did the Wise Men quote when Herod asked them about Jesus?
In the Gospel of Matthew, what was the name of Jesus' earthly grandfather?
A) Jacob
B) Zadok
C) Josiah
D) Manasseh
E) It doesn't say
A) Jacob
What was the status of Mary and Joseph's relationship when Jesus was born?
Married (Betrothed - first stage of a Jewish marriage)
Who did the shepherds specifically give credit to for telling them about Jesus?
"The Lord"
Which Herod in world history was king when the Wise Men visited?
Herod the Great
Name 3 out of 4 Advent/Christmas hymns that have the world "Angel(s)" in the title
**500 bonus points for all 4!!
2) Angels We Have Heard on High
3) Angels from the Realms of Glory
4) The Angel Gabriel from Heaven Came
Which prophet foretold that the Messiah would end up in Egypt with the quote, "Out of Egypt, I have called my Son"