What creature was not stirring on "The Night Before Christmas"
A Mouse
In the classic Christmas movie, The Grinch is described with these three words:
Stink, Stank, Stunk
Who says "Bye Buddy,Hope you find your Dad"
Mr. Narwhal
Who is infamously known as a "Bad banana"
The Grinch
"The best way to spread Christmas cheer is singing loud for all to hear"
What did the Grinch take the last can of
Who Hash
In what movie did "Flick" get his tongue stuck to a pole
A Christmas Story
What is the first rule of being an elf
Treat everyday like Christmas
Elton John
"Keep the change you filthy animal"
Home alone
Which one of Santas reindeer is also another mascot for another holiday
What is the name of the Girl who the Grinch has a crush on in "How the Grinch stole Christmas"?
Martha May
Baby its cold outside
From which decade is this song: "All I Want for Christmas Is You"?
"You'll shoot your eye out kid"
A Christmas Story
The mascots of Coca-Cola
Polar Bears
How many cookies did Buddy cram in the VCR
To whom was Buddy's spicy gift written too
That special someone
What are we "Simply Havin"
A Wonderfull Christmas Time
"Maybe Christmas... perhaps... comes from a little bit more"
The Grinch
What did "My true love" give to me on the 7th day
What Colour is the Ornament the Charlie Brown puts on the tree
What is the name of the publishing company Walter Hobbs works for
Greenway Press
What does Brett Kissel Want for Christmas
A Massey Ferguson
"Oh hes just yakkin on a bone
Christmas Vacation