Has a red nose
Who is Rudolph
The longest running broadway show
What is the Phantom of the Opera
The person who sings Day by Day
Who is Anna Maria
The object that made frosty come to life
What is An Old Silk Hat
The place candy canes originated
What is Germany
The Christmas carol that the Peanuts sing at the end of A Charlie Brown Christmas?
What is "Hark, the harald angels sing"
The best-selling broadway show of all time
What is The Lion King
Who plays Jesus in the 2011 production of Godspell
Who is Hunter Perrish
Bing Crosby's best-selling single of all time.
What is White Christmas
Roughly how many people get sent to the hospital each year for hanging Christmas decorations
What is 14,700 people
A horned creature who punishes bad kids at Christmas time
Who is Krampus
Referring to the future president John Adams, the songs "Sit Down, John" and "But, Mr. Adams" come from what Broadway musical.
What is 1776
The first person Jesus talks to
Who is John the Baptist
The amount of reindeer featured in "Twas the Night Before Christmas"
What is 8 reindeer
The U.S. president that banned Christmas trees in the white house
Who is Theodore Roosevelt
The best-selling Christmas movie of all time
What is Home Alone
The season of 2020 that Hamilton was released
Summer of 2020
The first 3 songs in order
What are "Prologue", "Tower of Babbel", and "Prepare Ye"
11 of these are in the song "Twelve Days of Christmas"
When is it believed that christmas was first celebrated of December 25th
What is 336 AD
The country that started the Christmas Tree Tradition
What is Germany
The actor who played Dear Evan Hanson
Who is Ben Platt
The person (or people) who say the final words in the musical
Who is everybody (its a group number)
The Christmas song originally wrote for thanksgiving
What is Jingle Bells
The country that recognizes eating KFC on Christmas
What is Japan