All I want for Christmas is ______?
What is "you?"
What are lights?
These three people bring presents to children in Spain on the night of January 5th.
Who are los Reyes Magos/the Three Kings?
Rudolph the red-nosed _________
What is "reindeer?"
Families in the USA usually decorate this with ornaments.
What is a Christmas tree?
Who is Santa Claus?
This country has famous Christmas markets known as Weihnachtsmärkte.
Where is Germany/Switzerland/Austria?
Jingle bells, jingle bells, jingle all the _______
What is "way?"
Sometimes people put up these scenes showing the birth of Jesus.
What are belenes/Nativity scenes?
These little people are Santa Claus' helpers.
Who are elves?
Santa Claus lives in this location.
Where is the North Pole?