This traditional Christmas treat has red and white stripes
Candy Canes
This drink was served on The Polar Express?
Hot Chocolate
What was the highest-grossing Christmas movie of all time?
Home Alone
Who celebrates Hanukkah?
Jewish People, Followers of Judaism
What do people in the U.S. try to do at midnight on New Year's?
Kiss Someone
What snack is typically left out for Santa Claus and his Reindeer?
Milk, Cookies and Carrots
Will Ferrell played one of Santa's helpers in this 2003 Christmas classic.
What do people use on Christmas Eve to see where Santa has delivered presents?
Santa Trackers
How long is Hanukkah celebrated for?
8 days
What is a drink that is commonly drank on New Year's?
What is the bird that is commonly served for Christmas (and Thanksgiving) dinners in the U.S.?
What movie is about a boy whose family left for vacation without him?
Home Alone
This Christmas toy moves from room to room, helping Santa by making sure children are being good, and playing pranks.
Elf on the Shelf
What is the name of a traditional Hanukkah food?
What American tradition takes place in Times Square in New York City?
The Ball Drop
What is the food that you build and decorate with candy and frosting and then eat?
Gingerbread house
Which country started the tradition of putting up a Christmas tree?
What is the name of a traditional Hanukkah game?
(100 bonus points if you can tell me what it's played with)
Played with chocolate coings
What do people make to set goals for the new year?
New Year's Resolutions
What is the traditional Christmas drink that I have never tried?
What town does the Grinch go to in the movie “How the Grinch Stole Christmas.”
What is the name of the book parents read to their kids on Christmas Eve?
The Night Before Christmas
What is lit each day of Hanukkah?
Name 4 common new year's resolutions in the U.S.