English translation of this word:
pelotas de Navidad
What is Christmas ornaments?
English translation of this word:
El reno
What is the reindeer?
English translation of this word:
la sorpresa
What is surprise?
English translation of this word:
la amistad
What is friendship?
English translation of this word:
la pandereta
What is tambourine?
Spanish translation of this word:
What is acebo?
Spanish translation of this word:
What is chimenea?
Spanish translation of this word:
What is fuegos artificiales?
Spanish translation of this word:
What is divorciado/a?
Spanish translation of this word:
With me
What is conmigo?
Conjugate using subject and infinitive:
you/ decorar
What is tu decoras?
Conjugate using subject and infinitive:
he/ comer
what is (...) El come?
Conjugate using subject and infinitive:
We, Brindar
What is (...) Nosotros Brindamos?
Conjugate using subject and infinitive:
they; besar
What is(...) ellos besan?
Conjugate using subject and infinitive:
I/ bucear
What is Yo buceo?
Fill in the blank:
Durante la Navidad, decoramos el árbol con ____________.
What is bolas de Navidad?
Fill in the blank:
Santa pone regalos en los ____________.
What is calcetines de Navidad?
Fill in the blank:
Celebramos el fin de año en ____________.
What is Nochevieja?
Fill in the blank:
Mi amigo no tiene novia; él está ____________.
What is soltero?
Fill in the blank:
Cuando estoy feliz, yo ____________.
What is sonrío?
Correctly match the defintion in Spanish:
What is velas?
Correctly match the definition in Spanish:
Night before Christmas.
What is Nochebuena?
Correctly match the definition in Spanish:
A celebration of a girl's fifteenth birthday and her transition from childhood to adulthood, typically involving a mass followed by a party.
What is Quinceañera?
Correctly match the definition in Spanish:
A woman who has lost her spouse by death and has not remarried.
What is viuda?
Correctly match the definition in Spanish:
A state of well-being and contentment.
What is la algeria?