What was the official date of Signature Banking Launch?
November 1st
What are two most spoken languages in British Columbia apart from English and French
Mandarin, Cantonese, and Hindi
What is the minimum net worth threshold for PB?
Where Scotiabank was founded?
Halifax, Nova Scotia
What does COP stand for?
Client Onboarding Portal
What demographic Signature Banking caters to?
Mass-affluent and Emerging High Net Worth
What are two biggest source countries for immigrant population?
India and Philippines
In how many regions does Private Banking operate?
5 regions
In what year Scotiabank was founded?
What does NIRA stand for?
New Initiative Risk Assessment
How many field bankers does Signature Banking employ?
Over 30 bankers
What are the most popular cultural holidays celebrated in Canada?
Diwali, Eid, Chinese Lunar Year
What is the name of the team that supports transaction processing?
Service Support Officer Team
In how many countries does Scotiabank operate?
Over 40 countries globally
What does PBODF stand for?
Private Banking Overdraft Facility
How many accounts does Signature Banking offers as part of package?
4 accounts (Personal/ Non Personal)
What's annual immigration number in Canada?
Currently, annual immigration in Canada amounts to almost 500,000 new immigrants
How much does Private Banking charge in fees?
$125 per month
How many branches does Scotiabank have in Canada?
Over 900 branches
What does CCRL stand for?
Credit Card Rapid Lab
Does Signature Banking offer custom credit?
Yes, limited custom credit
What is the % of population accounted to permanent residents in Canada?
~20% of population
What is the name of the new credit card that's being launched in January?
SWM Visa Infinite Privilege Card
List all four ScotiaBond values
Client Centric
What does EDRR stand for?
Enterprise Documents and Reports Retrieval System