What city was Jesus born in?
Whose nickname is Santa Claus?
Saint Nicholas
What is Advent?
The liturgical season that prepares us for Jesus's birth
4 weeks that prepare us for Christmas
What did the Wise Men follow to find baby Jesus?
The North Star
Why was Jesus born in a stable?
Because there was no room in the inn or anywhere else in Bethlehem
How many candles and what are there colors on an Advent wreath?
4 candles (3 purple, 1 pink)
Why did Jesus choose to be born in poverty?
- to take on a human life and live amongst the poor
- to show that we should value things in heaven more than what is on earth
How was John the Baptist related to Jesus?
He was his cousin
Who came to see baby Jesus after He was born? (List as many groups of people as you can)
Shepherds, Wise Men
What color does the Priest wear during Advent?
What did Mary lay Jesus in when he was born
A manger
When does the Christmas season begin? (Not a trcik question!)
What was the name of the King who wanted Jesus killed?
King Herod
Why do we give presents on Christmas?
- to give others gifts since Jesus's birth was a gift for us
- to continue the tradition of the 3 Wise Men giving gifts to baby Jesus
Was Joseph Jesus's biological father?
No, he was Jesus's adopted father
What does "Emmanuel" mean?
God with us
What country did the Holy Family (Joseph, Mary, Jesus) flee to after Jesus was born?
Why do we have a Midnight Mass on Christmas?
Did Mary experience pain when giving birth to Jesus? (Yes or No)
What does the name "Jesus" mean
God saves