What is the most popular Christmas cookie?
A frosted sugar cookie.
What is the movie with the green creature that tries to steal Christmas
The Grinch
What colors did Santa used to wear
(There are 3, 100 points for each correct answer)
Green, purple, and blue.
Finish the song
Jingle bells Jingle bells……
Jingle all the way
True or false November is busier than December Christmas shopping
What is the least common Christmas food?
What is the movie about a boy who was raised by elves and went to go and find his real dad?
True or false Christmas was once banned?
What is the most recorded Christmas song?
Silent night
Why does Santa wear red?
To match the colors of Coca Cola!
Tell me one of the three most popular Christmas foods
Turkey, ham, and potatoes.
Was the tarantula in Home Alone real or fake in real life?
Which country started the Christmas tree tradition?
What is the number 1 Christmas song?
White Christmas
How many Christmas trees are sold each year?
35 million
The first Christmas pudding had turkey in it true or false?
But it did have beef!
Which Christmas movie has made the most money?
Th Grinch
What year was the first Christmas card sent out?
You can say 1600’s, 1700’s, 1800’s, 1900’s, 2000’sExtra points for exact answer
1800’s or 1853
What was the first ever Christmas song to be played in space?
Jingle bells
How long does it take a Christmas tree to grow?
15 years
What was the first food to be eaten on Christmas
What is the number 1 Christmas movie?
It’s a wonderful life
True or false was tinsel once banned
What percentage of people go Christmas caroling?
What country do people have KFC on Christmas?