In "Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer," Rudolph’s nose is described as shining like this object.
What is a light Bulb
How many sizes does the grinch's heart grow?
What is three sizes
What is the polar express?
This is the name of the train that takes children to the North Pole in a famous holiday movie.
This is the most common dessert left out for Santa Claus on Christmas Eve.
What is cookies?
In the movie "Elf", Buddy says this is the best way to spread Christmas cheer
What is singing loud for all to here?
Who is the Reindeer that helps guide Santa's Sleigh?
In what year was the movie "Elf" made?
What is 2003
In "Frosty the Snowman," Frosty says he’ll be back again on this type of day.
What is a sunny day
In "Home Alone 2" what city does Kevin get lost in?
What is New York