What year did Darian and Andy get married?
What is 2015
What jersey number did both kids share?
What is 5
How did mark and Janice meet?
What is training race horses
How far apart are bev and Marian in age?
What is 2
What is Blake and Linda
Jake’s infamous Christmas gift for Ty
What is Bald Eagle
Where did Jim and Michelle honeymoon?
What two sports did Michaela and Kenzie play in high school?
What is volleyball and tennis
What sport did bev play in high school, Marian did too?
What is basketball?
What was Blake’s high school baseball coaches name?
What is Greg Gery
Name of Jake and Ty’s first baseball team?
What is KingsWood Sox
What bar were the Lund’s regulars at in the good ole days?
Where did Michaela graduate nursing school from?
What is Clarkson
What was Marian’s first job?
What year was Brooke born?
What is 1991
What college did Wally graduate from?
What is UNO
How many states have the Lund’s been to together
What is 5
what year did the Michaleks meet the clan?
What is 2005
What is Bebos
What sport in grade school was Linda asked to play on the boys team?
What is baseball
Address of first house Ryan and Shannon lived in?
What is 7606 S 50th Street
What was Gabby’s name supposed to be if she was a boy?
What is Trevor
First place mark and Janice have traveled by themselves?
What is Mexico
Who does Marian visit faithfully every 6 months?
What is the dentist
What did Tony have on his shoes when he got done on one knee?
What is “Go NU”