This is what we celebrate on Christmas.
Jesus birth!
The day before Christmas goes by this name.
Christmas Eve
This is the name of Jesus' mother.
This is the name of Jesus' earthly father.
What two groups of men came to see Jesus following his birth?
Shepherds & Wisemen
This is how the wisemen found Jesus.
They followed the star.
This is the name of the angel who told Mary & Joseph that Jesus would be born.
The angel Gabriel
These were the three gifts the wisemen brought when they visited Jesus.
Gold, Frankincense, and Myrrh
This is the name of the town where Jesus was born.
These were the first people, other than Joseph and Mary, to hear that Jesus had been born.
The shepherds
This is how many angels "suddenly" appeared to the shepherds.
A multitude
This man was king over Judea when Jesus was born.
Christmas is celebrated on this date.
December 25th
This is why the angel told Joseph to call Mary's son Jesus.
He would save His people from their sins.
What is the doctrine of Jesus' incarnation?
God the Son became flesh (human) and lived among us.
This Old Testament prophet foretold Jesus being born in the town of Bethlehem.
This is the town where Jesus lived as he grew up.
Luke 2
(Matthew 1 - 2, Luke 1 - 2)
This New Testament book proves that Jesus is the Messiah by showing the fulfillment of many Old Testament prophecies.
Over 300
This is what the angels were saying when they appeared to the shepherds.
"Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men."
When the wisemen came seeking Jesus, they asked this question.
"Where is he that has been born King of the Jews?"
This barren cousin of Mary's also had a baby.
John the Baptist
What is the importance of the doctrine of Jesus' virgin birth?
Jesus did not have an earthly father. Because of His supernatural birth, Jesus was both fully God and fully human.