What are the names of Jesus' earthly parents?
Mary and Joseph
Where was Jesus born? (town)
What guided the wise men to Jesus?
A star
How did the shepherds feel at first when the angels appeared to them?
Is the story of Jesus' birth in the Old or New Testament?
New Testament
Who came to see baby Jesus first and then went and told others?
the shepherds
In their fields
What did Mary place Jesus in after he was born?
A manger
How did the angel appear to Joseph to tell him Mary was going to have a baby?
In a dream
In Isaiah 9:6, Jesus is call the Prince of what?
Who visited Jesus and brought gifts?
Wise men
What direction did the wise men come from?
What did Mary wrap Jesus in the manger?
Swaddling clothes
What was the name of the angel who appeared to Mary?
Why did Mary and Joseph have to travel to Bethlehem?
to be counted (census)
Who was the Roman emperor who ordered the census that required Mary and Joseph to travel to Bethlehem?
Caesar Augustus
Where did Mary and Joseph flee after Jesus was born?
How did Mary and Joseph travel to Bethlehem?
What did the angels say to the shepherds to announce Jesus' birth?
Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men.
Who was the king of Judea when Jesus was born?
King Herod
What were the names of the elderly man and prophetess who recognized baby Jesus as the Messiah in the temple?
Simeon and Anna
Where did Joseph, Mary and Jesus live after returning from Egypt?
What were the 3 gifts the wise men brought to Jesus?
Gold, Frankincense, myrrh
What is an angel?
A messenger from God
Why did King Herod tell the wise men he wanted to know where the new king was and what did he really want to do?
He said he wanted to worship the baby, but really wanted to kill him.