What day do we celebrate the Birth of Jesus?
January 7th
Who baptized Jesus?
Saint John the Baptist
Who killed Goliath and how did he kill him?
David, with a sling and stone
What do the bread and wine symbolize in the liturgy?
Body and Blood of Christ
Who told Mary she would give birth to Jesus?
Angel Gabriel
Which king wanted to kill Jesus?
King Herod
Who betrayed Jesus 3 times before the rooster crowed?
What is prayed before the liturgy starts?
What did the wise men follow to get to Jesus?
A star
How many disciples did Jesus have and who ended up betraying him?
12, Judas Iscariot
Who laid in the lion's den and was untouched through God's grace?
The Orthodox Creed
What city was Jesus born in and where?
Bethlehem, in a manger
What did Judas do to Jesus to show the guards that he was the one they were after?
Kiss on cheek
Who had great strength? (think hair)
What is the incense used to symbolize in the liturgy?
Our prayers rising up to God and the presence of the Holy Spirit
What were the 3 gifts that the wise men gave to Jesus?
gold, frankincense, and myrrh
What did Jesus work as with Joseph?
Who wished for wisdom out of anything he could have wished for and became a great King?
What are the 7 sacraments?
Baptism, Chrismation (Myrun), Confession, Communion, Priesthood, Marriage, Anointing the Sick.