This tradition started in Germany. It’s something we decorate.
Christmas tree
What is the best-selling Christmas song ever?
White Christmas
This American company has been using Santa Claus in their commercials since the 1920s.
The Coca-Cola Company
Name one of Santa’s reindeer.
Dasher, Dancer, Prancer, Vixen, Comet, Cupid, Donner, Blitzen, and Rudolph
“Feliz Navidad” means Merry Christmas in what language?
What article of clothing is hung on the fireplace?
What food do people leave for Santa in their homes?
Cookies and milk
What does Santa give you if you misbehave?
In what country is Santa Claus called Babbo Natale?
In America, people often wear ugly _________ to Christmas parties.
During Christmastime, people make candy houses out of this.
What was the character Frosty the Snowman’s nose made out of?
A button
Where do poinsettias originate from?
These are the two most popular Christmas colors after red and green.
Silver and gold
Eggnog is a classic Christmas drink which originated from where?
You make these in the snow, but also put them atop the tree.
In this country, about half of the population sits down on Christmas Eve to watch a Disney Christmas special.
Where does the longest Christmas season take place?
Puerto Rico
When were candy canes invented?
In the 1830s
Santa Claus is also called Saint Nick, based on Saint Nicholas, who gave gifts secretly. In what modern-day country was Saint Nicholas born?