Spot the error

What did we read about Sabatina?

Why my mother wants me dead

- clash with parents/cultural differences


Oversæt den lille sætning og sig hvilken tid, sætningen står i:

Pengene blev aldrig fundet

(aktiv/passiv + verbets tid)

The money was never found:

datid, passiv


What is Cambridge Analytica

A company that harvested profiles from fb and sold the profiles for commercial/political purposes.


The money I got from my parents were spent very quickly on drinks and naked women.

Were - ændres til was 

(money er utælleligt)



De nye møbler som står i stuen er de var dyre.

The new furniture in the living room is SO ugly....but expensive though/however it was expensive.


Why are there problems between the Aboriginals and white Australians?

History + injustice + systemical racism


Oversæt: Alle, der er i det her lokale, kender nok godt følelsen af at være fortabt.

Sig noget klogt om sammensatte stedord

Everyone, who is in this room, probably knows the feeling of being lost.

Sammensattes stedord bøjes altid i 3.p. ental


How many cctv cameras are there app. in London? 

(+/- 50.000 is ok)

About 1.000,000 


While I was doing the dishes John sang his favourite song.

Parallelle forløb laves i udvidet tid (ing-form)


Spot the mistake:

Surprisingly, she didn’t knew anything about her son knitting beautiful sweaters.

Didn't know - do-omskrivning + infinitiv.


Describe the role of superstition in Dukana-life.

The people of the village led their lives based on superstition - which ended up killing Nedam.


Hun har altid sagt, at piger som hende, som har mange penge og ikke er bange for at bruge dem, nok skal klare sig godt.

Oversæt og sig noget klogt om komma på engelsk.

She has always said that girls like her, who have a lot of money and who don't mind spending it, will do well.

Aldrig foran sætnings-at (that)

Omkring indskudte sætninger


How many use the social media X on a daily basis? 

(a +/- 10.000.000 is ok) 

About 250 million people


Have anyone met my fat wife, the husband said to the crowd of curious people standing beside him.

Have  - ændres til has (sammensatte stedord er altid ental)

Spot the mistake:

This study programme tries to learn students to be more confident.

Learn = at 'lære ind'/teach = lære 'fra sig'


My son the fanatic is authentic and shows the conflict between two generations - explain why?

Ali gets caught in between two cultures - Parvez has failed to recognize the difficulties of growing up 'feeling different'.


Min bedste ven er blevet detektiv, fordi han elsker at snage i folks privatliv.

Oversæt og sig noget klogt om genitiv på engelsk.

My best friend has become a detective as he enjoys prying into people's private lives.

entals-genitiv foran s

flertals-genitiv efter s

people er uregelmæssigt og derfor foran s


2 questions:

The history of surveillance goes all the way back to....?(You must be precise with the decade) 

+ what kind of surveillance took place?

The Civil War in the US (1861-1865)



Max, Peter and Lisa told their families, that they were tired of working so hard.

Komma - IKKE foran that /ikke foran bisætninger.


The name of the young inmate in Shawshank who wanted to testify that Andy was innocent

Tommy Williams


Please, summarize and say something clever about our theme, clash of cultures - The following words must be included in your short presentation:

Tolerance, education, respect, ignorance.



I 1984 bliver det beskrevet hvordan befolkningen, og ikke kun rebeller som Winston der ikke vil indordne sig, bliver overvåget af Big brother.

Translate og sig om sætn er aktiv/passiv + hvilken tid + tegnsætning i denne sætning.

In 1984 it is described how the population, and not only rebels, like Winston, who do not want to obey, are monitored by Big brother.

Passivkonstruktion i nutid

2 indskudte sætninger i hovedsætningen.


Name the main characters in Orwell's '1984' - and the number of the horrible room everyone dreads.

Winston, Julia and O'Brien

Room 101


The team was talking about the next match that was scheduled the following day.

Team = kollektiv - skal her være flertal fordi de taler /logisk flertal...mere end en stemme.


Which countries make up the UK?

List the countries in order so the first country to join England is nr 1, the second country is number 2 etc.

England, Wales. Scotland, Northern Ireland

1)Wales (1542)

2)Scotland (1707)

3)Northern Ireland (1922)
