This is the most popular Christmas song.
What is "All I Want for Christmas Is You"?
Two literary periods we worked with during this theme.
What are Modernism og Post Modernism?
Segregation in South Africa is called...
What is Apartheid?
Dette er kongruens...
Hvad er når subjektet er 3. person ental, skal der -s på verbet i nutid?
In this time period England ruled many colonies.
What is The Victorian Era?
The most popular Christmas movie
What is "Home Alone"?
Three characteristics of the literary periods in this theme.
E.g. what are stream-of-conciousness, fragmentation, different points of view, the end of the nuclear family materialism etc...?
On this island Mandela spent most of his 27 years of imprisonment....
What is Robben Island?
Dette ord bruges ofte til at danne fremtid på engelsk.
Hvad er 'will'?
We saw this movie when we worked on the topic about Great Britain.
What is "The Riot Club"?
Santa's real name?
What is Saint Nicholas?
Ambiguity means that...
What is 'tvetydigt' (at der kan være to forskellige tolkninger). F.eks. slutningen af "The Short Happy Life..."
In this short story the main message is that even though Apartheid is officially abolished in 1990 it still exists.
What is "The Guilt"?
Mellem disse sætningsled placeres småadverbier såsom always, often, usually...
Hvad er mellem subjekt og verbum eller efter 1. hjælpeverbum?
Name at least three former Prime Ministers in England.
Margaret Thatcher
Boris Johnson
Tony Blair
Winston Churchill
Theresa May
Rishi Sunak
Two of Kevin's siblings are named...
What is Buzz, Kate, Meagan, Lennie, and Jeff?
The main characters in "The Short Happy Life" and "Big Game".
Who are Francis, Margot, Robert Wilson, Mike and Nicole Bender, Bernard Puff, and Jasmine Honeysuckle Rose.
These two countries fought in the Boer War.
What are Britain and The Netherlands?
Disse 6 ord er modalverber.
Hvad er can, may, must, will, shall, ought to?
This person is Prime Minister in England now.
Who is Keir Starmer (since 5 July 2024)?
The name of a little tart filled with raisins and spices eaten in England for Christmas.
What is mince pie.
The last written words and conclusion of Christopher McCandles in 'Into the Wild'.
What are "Happiness is only real when shared"?
Name a quote from the poem "Invictus"
What are:
Out of the night that covers me,
Black as the pit from pole to pole,
I thank whatever gods may be
For my unconquerable soul.
It matters not how strait the gate,
How charged with punishments the scroll,
I am the master of my fate,
I am the captain of my soul.
I disse 4 tilfælde bruges udvidet tid.
Hvad er
1) noget der foregår nu
2) Bruges beskrivende
3) Ved parallelle forløb
4) Noget der er i gang som forstyrres eller stanses
This is our favorite text from our topic about Great Britain.
"The White Man's Burden"
"Shooting an Elephant"
"The Adventure of the Sussex Vampire"
"My Son the Fanatic"
" Cachau Bant: Mind Your Language"
"London: Migrant City"
"Listen Mr. Oxford Don"
The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night Time
"A Royal Salute to the Commonwealth"