date of christmas in England
What is 25th dec.
Name of town in the grinch Movie
What is Whoville.
The thing danish people do around the tree
what is dance
What is the meaning of XMas
what is christmas
Who is the person Kevin walks by in the trump tower in "Home alone2"?
What is Donald Trump
the thing the people in Norway hide when its christmas
What is Brooms and Mops
What does the people in Venzueala do on their way to church
What is the name of "familien jul" nisses name
What is Pixi
what is the day of chrismas eve in Armenian
what is january 6th
What does the most of Englands people do for decorations?
What is spruce brances (on house)
What is a tradition at the trafalgar square
What is giant christmas tree
what does indian people do on the day of chrismas
what is making sweets
What is the name of the baby in "krummernes jul"
What is the name of the spanish tradition the 22 of december?
What is "El Gordo"
Which country created christmas
What is the name of Kevins dad in "Home alone"
What is Mr McCallister