How many days are in Hanukkah?
Which Holiday was created in 1966. It's name stems from a Swahili phrase meaning “first fruits."
In England Santa Clause is known as what?
Father Christmas
On December 5 Saint Nicholas rewards well-behaved children with gifts. But badly behaved children receive punishment like birch rod whippings and being dragged to hell from who?
Half man-half goat creature
Las Posadas, celebrated throughout Mexico and Central America, is Spanish for “The Inns.” It honors the journey of Mary and Joseph from Nazareth to Bethlehem in search of lodging. Following a procession, mass is held each night, followed by the breaking of piñata, usually shaped like what?
A star in honor of the one that led the three wise men to Jesus’ birth site.
What popular Christmas Carol was the first song played in space. By humans at least....
Jingle Bells
In Japan a common Christmas Tradition is to eat at what fastfood resturaunt?
Soyal is celebrated December 22. Zuni and Hopi Native American tribes in the southern U.S. honor the Winter Solstice with a ceremony to lure back which god?
Sun God
The home of the Real St. Nicholas.
What is Turkey?