How long did it take to write the Holy Bible?
1600 Years
How many Authors wrote the holy Bible?
The divine liturgy consists of how main parts? and what are they?
Liturgy of the word
Liturgy of the Eucharist
How many councils were held in the 5th Century?
What is the meaning of the worn "Priest" in coptic?
How many books in the New Testament?
How many Books in the Old Testament?
Inside the church, there are ____ main parts.
What are they?
The Council at Nicea:
What year:
How many gathered:
Who was the King:
Who was the Coptic Pope and what number:
Who was the heretic:
what was the heresy:
- 325 AD
- 318
- Constantine
- Pope Alexander 19th
- Arius
- He denied the divinity of Christ.
What does a female saint mean in Coptic?
How long did our fathers lived?
- Abraham
- Isaac
- Jacob
- 175
- 150
- 147
How many Jews entered Egypt when Jacob and his sons went to Egypt to Joseph?
And how many were the People of Israel when they left Egypt with Moses?
- 75
- 2.5 Million
Who wrote the Liturgy of St. Cyril?
St. Mark the Apostle
Council of Constantinople,
What year:
How many gathered:
Coptic Pope and what number:
Who was the King:
- 381 AD
- 150
- Pope Temotheos the Poor 22nd
- Kind Theodosios The Great
- Mecdonius
- He denied the divinity of the Holy Spirit.
What does Fruit mean in Coptic?
How many Judges did the People of Israel have?
How long was the Exile of the People of Israel? And Why?
70 Years
It was because they didn't follow God's command to let their lands and animals rest on every 7th year.
The Kingdom was 490/7 = 70
Inside the church, the _____ represents the separation between God and mankind
Council of Ephesus,
What year:
How many gathered:
Coptic Pope and what number:
Who was the King:
- 431 AD
- 200
- Pope Cyril the Pillar of Faith 24th
- Theodosius Junior
- Nestorius:
- He denied that the Virgin Mary is “Theotokos” (Mother of God).
What does God mean in Coptic?
How many Kings rules the Unified Kingdom of Israel?And how long did each rule for?
- King Saul: 40 years
- King David: 40 years
- King Solomon: 40 years
Total of 120 years
The Return of the Exile,
- Which Empire was ruling?
- Who was the King who order the return?
- How many Trips was the return of the people of Israel?
- Who lead each Trip?
- Persian Empire
- King Cyrus
- 3 Trips
1- Zerubbabel (Rebuilt the Temple)
2- Ezra (Caring for the People's Spirit)
3- Nehemiah (Built the walls of Jerusalem)
During the liturgy, when do the bread and wine turn into the True Body and the True Blood of our Lord Jesus Christ?
The last part of the Consecration is the Epiclesis, (also called the Invocation of the Holy Spirit) coming from the Greek word meaning “invocation”.
Having offered the oblation to God, the entire church now kneels as the priest pleads with God to send His Holy Spirit upon the offerings, and the believers.
A deacon in the sanctuary chants, “Let us attend, Amen”, calling for everyone’s attention and reverence during these holy moments. The priest, kneeling at the altar, silently prays the prayer for the descent of the Holy Spirit,
The priest rises and makes the sign of the cross on the Lamb in the paten three times (quickly) while saying with a loud voice, “And this bread, He makes into His Holy Body.” The congregation replies “I believe.”
Then the priest makes the sign of the cross on the mixture in the chalice three times (quickly) while saying with a loud voice, “And the mixture in this cup, He makes into the precious Blood of His New Covenant.”
The congregation replies, “Again, I believe, Amen” while the priest bows once again and prays silently, “Our Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ.”
Then he prays out loud, “given for the remission of sins and eternal life to those who partake of Him.” The congregation replies, “Lord have mercy, Lord have mercy, Lord have mercy.” Now, the bread and wine have become Body and Blood of our Lord.
The deacons and the congregation stand back up, and the deacons can blow out their candles. The priest covers the chalice again.
What year was the Chalcedon council held?
451 AD
What does Brother mean in Coptic?
Divided Kingdom Info:
Give these info on the 2 divided Kingdoms:
- Name
- How many Tribes
- Capital
- First King
- The Kingdom's Ended with ___
Northern Kingdom:
- Kingdom of Israel
- 10 Tribes
- Samaria
- Jeroboam
- Assyrian Captivity
Southern Kingdom:
- Kingdom of Judah
- 2 Tribes (Judah and Benjamin)
- Jerusalem
-Rehoboam (Son of Solomon)
- Babylonian Captivity
- 490
What are the Ten Plagues on Egypt in Order?
- River
- Frogs
- Lice
- Flies
- Livestock
- Boils
- Hailstorm
- Locusts
- Darkness
- Firstborn
Why do we put yeast in the Orabana?
What does it represent?
Yeast represents our sins,
Our lord Jesus Christ took our sins on him and died with them on the cross, the same as the yeast goes inside the Orbana and it dies with the heat inside the oven.
Which Pope spent the shortest time as the Pope of Alexandria, and which Pope spent the longest time as the Pope of Alexandria?
- Pope Achillas of Alexandria (18th Pope) for 6 months
- Pope Cyril the 5th for 52 years and 9 months
What does Cup mean in Coptic?