Where does Cindy Lou Who live?
Screaming at someone that you're frustrated.
What is usually put on top of a Christmas tree?
Stars or Angels
Who is the character that "stole Christmas?"
Bad choice
mad, overwhelmed, out of control
What animated film is about a train that carries kids to the North Pole?
The Polar Express
What was Frosty the snowman's nose made of?
What is the name of the main character in the movie "Elf"?
Donating your toys to families who can't afford them.
Great choice! (good choice)
frustrated, silly, worried, excited
In Home Alone 2, what city was Kevin left to wander?
New York
Is playing video games a good coping skills?
Maybe. It can cause more frustration and aggravation.
How do you say "Merry Christmas" in Spanish?
Feliz Navidad
What is the Grinch's dog's name?
Buddy the Elf eating gum on the bottom of the fences.
Eww- bad choice!
sad, sick, tired
In the movie The Santa Claus, how does Scott Calvin become Santa?
He puts on Santa's suit.
Removing myself from the situation.
Maybe- did you ask first?
Name the song/animal:
I want a _________________ for Christmas.
What is the name of the snowman that came to life?
Not calling the police when people are trying to break into your house, and instead setting up traps.
Bad choice!
happy, calm, ready to learn
How many sizes did the Grinch's heart grow?
Slamming your head against something.
Nope, hurting yourself isn't a good coping skill.
What is another name for Santa Claus?
Kris Kringle or Saint Nick
In the movie Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer... who says?
“Rudolph with your nose so bright, won’t you guide my sleigh tonight?”
Santa Claus!
Getting a gift for Christmas that you don't like and telling the person who gifted it to you that you don't want it.
Bad choice, you should just say thank you.
can be blue or red