"but do you recall....the most famous reindeer of all?"
What is "Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer"?
A house that is edible
What is a "Gingerbread house"?
Because of his shiny red nose, the other reindeer did not let Rudolph do this.
What is "Join in any reindeer games"?
The two most popular Christmas colors after red and green are these
What are Gold and Silver?
This is said to happen every time a bell rings.
What is "an angel gets his wings"?
What is "Christmas"?
In "Jingle Bell Rock" everyone is dancing and prancing here.
What is "Jingle Bell Square"?
This sweet treat can occasionally be heard stirring all through the house on Christmas Eve, waiting for Santa to arrive.
What are chocolate mice?
A song about this snowman, who comes to life one day
What is "Frosty the Snowman"?
This popular miniature character who checks on kids for Santa is sometimes posed for memes.
What is "Elf on a Shelf"?
"Miracle on 34th Street" centers on this department store
What is "Macy's"?
What is "Reindeer"?
Click, click, click, down through the chimney...
What is "Up on the Housetop"?
The Christmas decoration is made from strands of silver (traditionally) but may also come in other colors.
What is "Tinsel"?
In Whoville, They say that the Grinch's heart grew this many sizes that day.
What is three?
While largely referred to as Santa Claus, he is also often also referred to by these two other names.
What are "Kris Kringle" and "Saint Nick"?
In Mickey's Once Upon A Christmas, Mickey sells this in order to afford his gift to Minnie.
What is his gold harmonica?
What is "Ornaments"?
Fa-la-la la-la la-la-la-la
What is "Deck the Halls"?
When it is snowing on Christmas Day we call it this
What is a "White Christmas"?
Twas the night before Christmas, and visions of this food danced in children’s heads as they slept in the poem “‘A Visit from St. Nicholas”.
What are sugar plums?
This Christmas tradition was inspired by the fairytale "Hansel and Grettle"
What is the Gingerbread House?
Tim Allen stars in this Christmas blockbuster
What is "The Santa Clause"?
What is "Mistletoe"?
This Christmas song is the best selling single of all time.
Additional 200 points if you can name the Artist
What is "White Christmas"?
Who is "Bing Crosby"?
A gift exchange with a group of people where the givers are anonymous
What is a "White elephant or Secret Santa"?
Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer made his debut in 1939 in a giveaway coloring book created by this department store.
What is "Montgomery Ward"?
The famous Christmas tree in NYC can be found here.
What is "Rockefeller Plaza"?
In Home Alone, the McCallisters leave Kevin behind when they go on vacation to this capital city.
What is Paris?
What is "Poinsettia"?