He brings presents on Christmas night
Santa Claus
When Christmas season comes, you decorate one in your house ...
a christmas tree !
What singer is known to love Christmas season ?
Mariah Carey
What do you do under the mistletoe ?
You kiss
Complete the lyrics to this song "J'prends Uber Eats, j'suis calé au George V...."
"À la Ribéry, j'mange des entrecôtes à mille cinq
J'vais faire un tour, j'suis sans casque en 125 (vroum, vroum)"
Santa rides in it to deliver presents
a sled /sleigh
Name this decoration
Candy cane
Complete the lyrics to this song : "Make my wish come true...
"All I want for christmas is YOUUUUU!!!"
It's the reason why Santa wears a red suit.
a Coca Cola commercial in the 1920's
Name 2 French Prime Ministers under Macron
They drag Santa's sled
a reindeer
Name this christmas treat
Gingerbread man
Complete the lyrics to this song "jingle bells, jingle bells ...
jingle all the way !"
It's the traditional Christmas main dish.
a stuffed turkey
When was Jean Perrin High School build ?
in 1962
A spice that is commonly used around Christmas time
Name this Christmas Flower
the Pointsettia
Complete the lyrics to that song : "it's beginning to look .... "
a lot like Christmas !"
The color in which Santa was originally dressed in.
Mrs Garcia's birthday date
December 30th
Name this decoration
Christmas ornaments
Name this christmas decoration
the mistletoe
Complete the lyrics to this song : "Last Christmas, I gave you my heart ..."
"... but the very next day, you gave it away !"
You leave them by the tree for Santa the night before Christmas.
a glass of milk and some cookies ... and a carrot !
Trump's age