Most popular place to travel around the holiday season in the US (2 points)
New York City New York
Most watched FULL LENGTH Christmas movie of all time
Home Alone (637,000 searches between Dec. 15th through Dec 25th)
Star Wars Action Figures
First Christmas celebration recorded
Most listen Christmas song of all time
All I want for Christmas in you Mariah Carey
Average number of travelers around the holiday to the nearest million
115.2 million
Most popular Christmas movie in the 1980's
A Christmas story (1983)
Cabbage Patch Kids
What month do astronomers believe Jesus was actually born in?
What year did Bing Crosby's 'White Christmas' song release
1941 (Nearest Year gets the point)
Most traveled to place in the world around the holidays (2 points)
New York City
Who played the majority of the characters in Polar Express
Game Boy
What year did Jesus die
30 AD
Who is the modern day Mr. Christmas
Michael Buble
Most traveled day around the holidays
December 26th
Most watched Christmas movie in the 2000's
Four Christmases
Will except Elf
MP3 Player
3 Gifts of the Wise Men
Gold, Frankincense, Myrrh
Where are you Christmas
What airlines is known for being most festive by US carriers
Southwest Airlines
Character name of the main character in Die Hard
John Mclain
Xbox or Playstation (will accept video game console)
3 Names of the Wise Men
Casper, Melchior, Balthasar
Most covered Christmas song of all time
Silent Night (3,700 known covers of the song)