This movie features a young boy who defends his home from burglars with creative traps during Christmas.
Home Alone
In Norway, families hide this household item on Christmas Eve to prevent witches and evil spirits from stealing it.
A broom
This popular song claims “You better watch out, you better not cry, you better not pout, I'm telling you why.”
Santa Claus is Coming to Town
According to the story of the Wise Men, what kind of gifts did they bring to baby Jesus?
gold, frankincense, and myrrh
What is the traditional New Year’s Eve drink often associated with celebrations and toasts?
This 2003 movie stars Will Ferrell as a human raised by elves who travels to New York City to find his father.
In Germany, this Christmas market tradition brings festive stalls selling treats, ornaments, and gifts during Advent.
In this classic carol, the narrator receives “five golden rings” on the fifth day of Christmas.
Twelve Days of Christmas
In the song Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer, what was the name of the island where misfit toys were sent?
Island of Misfit Toys
In what country is it customary to eat 12 grapes at midnight, one for each month of the year?
In this Tim Burton film, Jack Skellington discovers Christmas Town and tries to bring the holiday to Halloween Town.
The Nightmare Before Christmas
In Iceland, children place shoes in windows to be filled with treats or potatoes by these 13 mischievous holiday figures.
Yule Lads
This song begins with the lyrics “City sidewalks, busy sidewalks, dressed in holiday style."
Silver Bells
In the film A Christmas Story, Ralphie desperately wants this gift.
A BB gun
According to tradition, what should you do at midnight on New Year’s to ensure good luck for the coming year?
A kiss
This 1989 comedy features Clark Griswold trying to create the perfect Christmas for his family, only for everything to go hilariously wrong.
National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation?
In Mexico, this traditional decoration, often filled with candy and gifts, is broken during Christmas celebrations.
A pinata
In this song, Brenda Lee asks Santa to bring “a pair of hop-along boots and a pistol that shoots.”
What is Rockin’ Around the Christmas Tree?
In the polar express, what gift does Chris (the boy) receive when he meets Santa?
Jingle Bells
In which U.S. city does the famous ball drop at midnight every New Year’s Eve?
New York City
This 1983 movie tells the story of Ralphie Parker, who dreams of receiving a Red Ryder BB gun for Christmas.
A Christmas Story
In this country, families often enjoy a Christmas dinner of fried chicken from KFC.
This festive tune, made famous by Elvis Presley, describes spending Christmas on a beach in a tropical location.
Blue Christmas
n The Nightmare Before Christmas, what gift does Jack Skellington bring back from Christmas Town?
A Christmas Tree
The phrase "Auld Lang Syne" is traditionally sung at midnight on New Year’s. What does "Auld Lang Syne" roughly translate to in English?
Times gone by or old long since