Is a Christmas "Ballet", and looks like a soldier s
How many ghosts are in A Christmas Carol
the ghost that comes and tells Scrooge he will be visited, Ghost of Christmas Past, Present and Future
so 4
What date is Christmas Eve?
December 24th
What is usually used for a nose on snowmen?
A house that is edible
Gingerbread house
Name the movie about a child fighting off burglars with traps in his home.
Home Alone
On the first day of Christmas your true love gives to you a?
How many reindeer pull Santa's Sleigh? (include Rudolph)
Dasher, Dancer, Prancer, Vixon, Comet, Cupid, Donder and Blitzen. and RUDOLPH = 9
What food do kids leave out for Santa?
Cookies and Milk
What animated film is about a train that carries kids to the North Pole?
The Polar Express
Famous Plant that is usually Red, sometimes white and only available at christmas?
Poinsetta plant
who moves around the house at night, getting into trouble?
"Miracle on 34th Street" centers on what real-life department store and parade?
What are the traditional Christmas Colors
Red and Green (Silver and Gold too)
What are two famous animated snow men? one where a top hat, and one hangs with Sven and Anna
Rudolph and Olaf
Which type of candy hangs on the trees
candy canes
What three words best describe the Grinch?
Stink Stank Stunk
This is how you say Merry Christmas in Spanish
Feliz Navidad
What large animal is in a christmas song,
'I wanna _________________for christmas, only a ___________________ will do..."
UGLY Christmas sweater
Movie about a snowman that comes to life
Frosty the Snowman
Name a type of trees that are used for Christmas Trees?
Evergreen, Fir, Pine or fake :)
What do you make in the snow, that also traditionally are on top of the Christmas Tree?
(they usaually have wings)
Snow "Angels"
Popular Christmas beverage, also known as "milk punch" made of eggs
movie about a real life ___________, who comes from the North pole to find his real Dad?
What beverage company has been using commercials starring Santa Claus, since the 1930's? and now uses Polar Bears!
Coca Cola/ Coke
This website now tracks Santa every year, so we know where he is?
24-day calendar often found hiding chocolates
Advent calendar
What is the name of Jack Skellington's dog?
(nightmare before christmas)
What is over the manger that shines so bright, and appears about every 800 years (and can be seen this year starting Dec 21,2020)
the Christmas Star (which is actually Jupiter and Saturn aligning together)
What 3 items did the 3 Wise men bring?
Frankincense, Myrrh and _____________
According to Christmas tradition, where was Jesus born?
Bethlehem in a manger
Where did the Who's live?
What do you hang above the door that you are suppose to kiss underneath it?
what is Mistletoe
What Christmas carol does the Peanuts gang sing at the end of "A Charlie Brown Christmas"
Hark the Harold Angels Sing?
What do you traditional hang on Christmas Eve over the fireplace
what movie does a divorced dad have a "person" fall off the roof and when he picks up the reigns he finds he becomes this new "person"
The Santa Clause
If you recieve all the gifts in The Twelve Days of Christmas you would receive this many gifts
Santa Claus has at least 3 different names. Can you name at least 1?
Kris Kringle, Saint Nicholas, Father Christmas