This town is where Jesus was born.
What is Bethlehem?
These men brought gifts to baby Jesus.
Who are the Wise Men or Magi?
Isaiah 9:6 says Jesus will be called “Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, ____ of Peace.”
What is Prince?
Angels told these people to go see baby Jesus.
Who are the shepherds?
This name means “Savior.”
What is Jesus?
Jesus’ earthly father was a carpenter. His name was ____.
Who is Joseph?
People put this on top of a Christmas tree to remind them of the announcement to the shepherds in the fields on Christmas night.
What is an angel
Zechariah foretold this unusual animal the Messiah would ride into the city of Jerusalem as King on Palm Sunday.
What is a Donkey?
Angels told Joseph in a dream to flee to this country with Mary and Jesus.
What is Egypt?
Jesus is often called the “Light of the ____.”
What is world?
This ruler tried to kill baby Jesus.
Who is King Herod?
Advent, a season of waiting and preparation for Christmas, lasts this many weeks.
What is four weeks?
This prophet foretold that Jesus would be born of a virgin.
Who is Isaiah?
This angel told Zechariah that he would be a father to John the Baptist.
Who is Gabriel?
In John 14:6, Jesus said, “I am the way, the truth, and the ____. No one comes to the Father except through Me.”
What is life?
The angel who told Mary she would have a baby was ____.
Who is Gabriel?
This word means “God with us.”
What is Emmanuel?
This man prophesied that Jesus would be born in the small town of Bethlehem.
Who is Micah?
Angels are often described as saying these words when they appear.
What is do not be afraid?
Jesus referred to Himself as the “Good ____” in John 10:11.
What is Shepherd?
The distance between Nazareth and Bethlehem is about this many miles, which Mary and Joseph traveled before Jesus was born.
What is 70-90 miles?
These were the original Christmas ornaments Martin Luther used to decorate Christmas trees.
What are candles?
The prophecy in Psalm 22 speaks of the Messiah’s suffering. What does the Psalmist say will happen to Jesus' hands and feet?
(hint: this is the same passage that says he was crushed for our iniquities)
What is "he was pierced?"
This angel fought the devil in the Book of Revelation.
Who is Michael?
In Hebrews, Jesus is called our great High Priest in the order of this Old Testament priest.
What is Melchizedek?