Chores or This
Social Situations
What did they do wrong?
I don't like that

If you spill food on your lap during dinner what should you do?

Ask for a paper towel to clean it up.

You can practice this OR do 5 jumping jacks for 100 points


On the bus a new student is looking for somewhere to sit, everyone is telling him to go away and he can't sit with them. What should you do?

Offer for him to sit with you.


A girl and her dad are at the grocery store. The dad says they need to buy milk, cereal, chicken nuggets, spaghetti, coffee, and pizza. The little girl begged her dad to get cookies but he said "not today". As they kept walking down the aisles the girl grabbed a box of cookies and put them in her backpack when her dad wasn't looking. It was time to check out and the dad put all the groceries on the counter. The dad said since the girl did such a good job accepting no to buying cookies she could pick out on small candy bar. What did the girl do wrong here. 

Steal cookies


You have 3 pennies, 2 nickels, and 1 dime. How much money do you have. 

*hint you can ask Tony for the calculator if you tell him how much each coin is worth*

23 cents


This weekend you are supposed to see the parade at Universal Studios, but when you get there dad realizes he bought tickets for the wrong day and on the day you go to the park there is no parade. How does that make you feel? What can you do about it?

Upset, Angry, Frustrated, etc.

Find something else fun to do, ask if dad can look up another parade, say "its okay" and enjoy the day, etc. 


uh oh! Mom dropped a bag of chips on the ground, now there are crumbs everywhere! What should she do?

Sweep it up

You can practice this OR do one worksheet for 200 points


During PE the teacher says it is time to play kickball and it is your turn. You don't know how to play or what you are supposed to do. 

What can you do to fix this?

Ask for help


It is time to walk to the bus at the end of the day. One of your classmates realized he left his coat in the classroom. He tried asking the teacher if he could go back and get it but she didn't hear him. You thought you would help your classmate so you go back to the class to get his jacket for him, but by the time you get to the classroom and start walking back to the buses you can't find your teacher and you think your bus already left. 

What did you do wrong?

Go back to class without telling the teacher


Mom gives you $10 to spend at the store. What can you buy without going over your budget?



Fidget toy-$7



Tony check the math


You are supposed to do 5 activities to earn your ipad. Session ends at 5:30. It is 5:15 and you have one activity to do. Tony says it is time to do money counting, but you don't want to. He reminds you that this is the last activity before you get your ipad and session is over. What can you do?

Finish your activity appropriately and earn your ipad.


There is a basket of clean clothes in your room that is ready to be put away. What should you do?

Fold and put them away or hang them up

You can practice this OR do 5 stretches for 300 points


In class you have a substitute teacher, no one is listening to her and everyone is acting crazy when she gives instructions.

What should you do?

Listen to the teacher

If you got this right you can take a break and listen to a song


If you are sitting in the waiting room at the doctor. You see these people in the room with you. Who should you not talk to and why? *Hint* It can be more than one person

1. The receptionist who checks you in

2. A girl your age playing on her iPad

3. A boy sitting on his mom's lap crying

4. The delivery driver

5. Another mom who waves to you and mommy

3. A boy sitting on his moms lap crying-he is upset and probably doesn't want to be bothered right now

4. Delivery driver-He is a stranger and there is no reason for you to talk to him


You have $3, but cookies cost $3.50, why can't you buy the cookies

You don't have enough money.

What can you do to get more money?


At school the teacher says that if you complete your work you and another student can take turns on the computer. The other student finishes his work first so he gets to go on the computer first. When you finish your work the teacher says the other student has 10 more minutes of his turn on the computer. What can you do while you wait?

Various answers


The trash can is very full, you can't fit anything else inside. What should you do?

Take the trash out

You can practice this OR do a slide from the powerpoint for 400 points


You and mom are walking from the car back to the house and someone is following you. He asks where you are going.

What should you do

Ignore him. Let mom handle it


Dad takes you out to dinner and says if you sit nicely you can get McDonald's cookies on the way home. Dad orders a cheeseburger and french fries. He asks what you want and you order mac and cheese. When the waiter brings the food you realize he brought you chicken nuggets instead of mac and cheese. You start to yell at dad saying you won't eat until you get cookies first and you aren't eating chicken nuggets. Dad calls over the waiter and tells him you ordered mac and cheese and not chicken nuggets. When the waiter brings over the mac and cheese he tells you he is sorry. Dad says thank you and tells you it is time to eat. You take one bite of the mac and cheese then demand cookies. On the way home dad drives past McDonald's and goes straight home. Why didn't he stop for cookies?

You yelled and refused to eat dinner


You have 2 quarters, 1 dime, and 4 pennies. How much money do you have?

64 cents


You are at dads at he says you can have regular youtube if you go on a walk with him or ride your bike in the afternoon, but if you don't then you don't get regular youtube for the rest of the day, even when you go back to moms house. 

You decide that you don't want to play outside today and you are okay with having kids youtube at dads house. When dad takes you back to moms house she is making you dinner. While you wait for dinner you ask if you can watch regular youtube. Mom asks if you earned that today and you say yes. 

What should you have done? Did you earn regular youtube

You shouldn't have asked mom for regular youtube because dad already said no. You did not earn it since you didn't play outside at dads

If you got this right you can get a 3 minute break

What cleaning tool should you use on the carpet?

A. Mop

B. Vacuum

C. Broom

D. Paper Towels

B. Vacuum

You can practice vacuuming for 2 minutes or do a coloring page for 500 points


At school the boy sitting next to you says he hates doing math and rips up his math worksheet. He tells you that you should do it too because math is boring. What should you do?

Mind your own business, ignore him, DO NOT RIP YOUR MATH SHEET


It is time to go get your haircut at the barber shop. While you are sitting and waiting mom says if you are polite and sit appropriately you can get a prize from the toy machine on the way out. When you are in the chair you have a nice conversation with the barber, keep a safe body, and listen to their instructions. Mom and the barber are very proud of you. They are so proud that you get two tokens for the prize machine. Unfortunately, there is a line to wait and get a prize, but you don't mind waiting. A girl who was also getting her haircut got prize tokens too, she runs right up to the machine and cuts in front of everyone who is waiting. When someone tells her that it isn't fair and that everyone was waiting she spits on them, gets her toy, and runs out of the store. You are still waiting in line while mom pays for the haircut, but the line is taking a very long time. Mom asks you if you want to keep waiting or if you want to go home and get extra iPad time. You tell mom that you want to keep waiting for the toy.

What went wrong here?

The girl cut in line and spit on everyone.

If you got this right you can take a break and play a game or listen to a song


BONUS!! If you get this right you get a 5 minute break. 

Jimmy has $5, Tom has $8, and Sarah has $12. Together they want to buy a cake that costs $20. Do they have enough money?

How much money do they have all together?

Yes, they have $25 total. 


During session you start to feel very tired. You tell Tony you want to take a break. Tony says "first finish this activity then you can take a break"

You want to take a break now. Tony lets you know that you only have 2 questions left before you finish the activity, but if you promise to work appropriately we can finish work on the couch. You really want to take a break now. What should you do?

Finish the activity first, but move to the couch if you want to. 
