Columbus birth year
What is 1451?
Define cartography
What is the study of maps?
Define exploration
What is the action of exploring an unfamiliar area?
Columbus place of birth
What is Genoa, Italy?
Which direction was Columbus trying to sail to?
What is west?
Reason why a new sea route was needed
What is dangerous, expensive or economic reasons?
Columbus profession
What is sailing?
First rejected Columbus proposal and why
What is Portuguese- due to other explorers finding a route and disbelief of the estimated time of the exploration?
Three reasons why Columbus wanted to explore West
What is to find a new sea route, spread Christianity, prove the world was not flat?
Greatly influenced Columbus voyage
What is Marco Polo?
Financed Columbus exploration
King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella of Spain
THREE other reasons for Columbus exploration
What is to find riches, expand Spanish territory, out do Portugal territory ?
Business Columbus and his brother started
What is buying and selling rare maps?
The length of the war and the people that delayed the Spanish from approving the exploration
What is the Moors and 15 years?
What prevented Columbus from reaching Asia sailing west?
What is the North and South America?