Where was Columbus born?
Genoa, Italy.
Columbus was the first European to discover North America. True or false?
What shocked him when he arrived in the Maldives?
How the women were dressed.
What disease was ravaging in the Middle East when he returned there?
The bubonic plague or Black Death.
Was Robert Scott the first person to reach the South Pole?
What was the name of the road that was very dangerous for traders to use?
The Silk Road.
Who were the first people to discover North America?
The Vikings.
What tragic news did Ibn get on his return to Damascus?
His father had died 15 years ago.
Why did he leave India?
To help set up a Buddhist temple in China.
Who was first person to step on the moon?
Neil Armstrong.
Who paid for his first voyage?
The King and Queen of Spain.
Name the 3 ships he took on his first voyage?
Santa Maria, Pinto and the Nina.
Who ruled over China when Ibn travelled there?
The Mongols Khan.
Name the important religious month Ibn spent in Damascus after he left Morocco?
Who was the first person to discover the far east by land that became known as the Silk Road?
Marco Polo.
What did he introduce to the Americas on the second voyage?
Approximately how many of the native people died from diseases introduced by the Europeans?
Name the city that was the important centre of Islamic studies that Ibn visited?
What job did he do for the Sultan of Dehli in India?
A judge.
Who discovered the Cook Islands?
Captain James Cook.
Why was Columbus arrested and brought back to Spain in chains?
Because of his brutal treatment of Spanish colonists in the Americas.
What did Columbus discover on his third voyage?
North coast of South America.
What was the name of the book written about Ibn's travels?
The Rihla.
Name the pilgrimage Ibn went on at the beginning of his travels?
What is the native name for Easter Island?
Rapa Nui.