Gastro / NS
Respiratory / Endo
Muscular / Skeletal
All The Things

Which of the following care guidelines is true
for gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD)?

(A) The last meal of the day should be served as close to bedtime as possible. 

(B) Increasing intake of fatty and spicy foods may help reduce reflux.

(C) The resident should remain upright two to three hours after eating.

(D) Serving three large meals a day helps promote comfort.

(C) The resident should remain upright two to three hours after eating.


Residents with chronic obstructive pulmonary
disease (COPD) have trouble with



When should antiembolic (compression) stockings be applied?

Before the resident gets out of bed


When atrophy occurs,

(A) The muscle slowly becomes stronger 

(B) The muscle increases in size

(C) The muscle remains the same size

(D) The muscle decreases in size

(D) The muscle decreases in size


If a resident with AIDS has a poor appetite the NA should 

Give the resident an appetite stimulant

Serve familiar and favorite foods

Let the resident know that if he does not eat, he might die

Discuss this with the resident's family to see what they recommend doing

Serve familiar and favorite foods


A patient who is a quadriplegic will not be able to move...

from the neck down


Which of the following is helpful for a resident with COPD?

To be offered fluids frequently 

Be positioned in a low fowler's position

Offer large meals

Have someone else do everything for the resident

To be offered fluids frequently


Why would a resident who had CHF need weighed frequently?

CHF causes residents to swell.


Which of the following statements is true of

(A) The jaw and neck are usually affected.

(B) Pain and stiffness increase in cold, damp weather. 

(C) Surgery is the first method of treatment for osteoarthritis.

(D) Antibiotics are usually the first type of medication used to treat osteoarthritis.

(B) Pain and stiffness increase in cold, damp weather.


A resident with AIDS who has nausea and is
vomiting should eat

(A) Small, frequent meals

(B) Quickly

(C) High-fat dairy products

(D) Spicy foods

Small, frequent meals


Which of the following statements is true of
how an NA should assist a resident with one sided weakness after a stroke?

(A) The NA should lead with the weaker side. 

(B) The NA should stand on the weaker side.

(C) The NA should use the terms bad or messed up so it is clear which side is the weaker side.

(D) The NA should not use a transfer belt during transfers.

(B) The NA should stand on the weaker side.


Part of the nursing assistant's role in caring for a resident with COPD includes

Adjusting oxygen levels

Being calm and supportive 

Making changes in the resident's diet

Doing everything for the resident as much as possible

Being calm and supportive


What should the NA do if she expects that a patient is having a MI?

Immediately start CPR 

Get the patient a drink of ice cold water

Give the patient nitroglycerin

Notify the nurse immediately

Notify the nurse immediately


A(n) ______ stocking is a special stocking that
can promote circulation after a knee



Which example is the best at encouraging a patient to be independent?

Tell the patient to roll over on their side. 

Give the patient a wash cloth so they can wash their face.

Perform pericare on the patient.

Place the call light beside the patient before leaving the room.

Give the patient a wash cloth so they can wash their face.


What is the appropriate method to use when washing a patient's stoma?

Top to bottom 

Bottom to top

Side to side

In one direction away from the stoma

In one direction away from the stoma


Proper _______ care is vitally important for people with diabetes.



Which of the following is helpful for a resident
who has had a heart attack?

(A) High-cholesterol diet 

(B) High-fat diet

(C) Regular exercise

(D) Cold temperatures

(C) Regular exercise


After an amputation, a resident may experience phantom sensation. Phantom sensation

Tingling or itching in the area where the limb was amputated


Which of the following are normal changes of aging? (Select All That Apply)

Responses and reflexes slow 

Sensitivity of nerve endings in skin decreases.

Short term memory loss may occur

Long term memory loss occurs

Responses and reflexes slow 

Sensitivity of nerve endings in skin decreases.

Short term memory loss may occur


Jody, CNA, is feeding Mr. Manhas who is recovering from a stroke that has affected his speech. Which of the following would be the best way to communicate when serving lunch? 

"Mr. Manahs, What would you like to eat today?"

"Mr. Manahs, Why did you not sleep well last night?"

"Mr. Manahs, Would you like a bite of mashed potatoes?"

"Mr. Manahs, How are you doing this morning?"

"Mr. Manahs, Would you like a bite of mashed potatoes?"


What are the three classic signs of diabetes?





Poor circulation and impaired wound healing may result in

Urinary Tract Infections


Leg and foot ulcers

An autoimmunde disease


Leg and foot ulcers


If a nursing assistant sees NWB on a resident's care plan, the resident

Is unable to support any weight on one or both legs


Which of the following will the NA  do for a patient who has stasis dermatitis? (Select All That Apply) 

Make sure than they are on a high-sodium diet

Elevate their feet

Have the resident to cross their legs

Apply compression (antiembolic) stockings

Elevate their feet

Apply compression (antiembolic) stockings
