The street where Cherry Hill School is located.
What is Bogert Road?
The age most of you were when you started Kindergarten.
What is 5 years old
What were all the performing groups in this year's Spring Concert?
What are: Orff Ensemble and Chorus.
What are 7th and 8th
In 2020, when you were in 3rd grade, this man was elected President of the United States.
Who is Joe Biden
The number of sections in 6th grade.
What is 5?
The year you started Kindergarten.
What is 2017
The names of the Chorus songs in the 2024 Spring Concert.
What are No Nothin', The Water is Wide, I Can't Stand Still Under Those Raindrops
The street where River Dell Middle School is located.
What is Woodland Avenue
In February 2022, when you were in 4th grade, Russia invaded this country.
What is Ukraine
The room number of your 6th grade classroom.
What is:
Armen 123
DeVasto 131
Kaley 130
Lazor 124
Torres 121
The address of our school.
What is 410 Bogert Road, River Edge NJ 07661
The year your grade first performed in a Holiday Concert.
The name of the middle school music teacher.
What is Peter Kennedy
In February 2021, when you were in 3rd grade, the first sounds were recorded on this distant planet.
What is Mars.
The name of our school secretary.
The name of the officer who helps keep us safe.
Who is Officer Keith
In 2022, the Concert Band performed music from this movie.
What is Star Wars.
The choruses at RDMB included these ensembles.
What are 7th grade chorus, 8th grade chorus and Select Chorus.
This popular videogame was first released in 2017, when you were in Kindergarten.
What is Fortnite.
The number of CHS graduates in 2024.
What is 91
The name of a 6th grade teacher who taught 4th grade when you were in that grade.
Who is Mrs. DeVasto
This pianist accompanied the Chorus many times.
Who is Matthew Tan (yay Matthew!)
Pianists at River Dell Middle School might be interested in joining this Club.
What is the Accompanist Club
In 2019, this young climate change activitist was nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize, at the age of 16.
Who is Greta Thumberg.