Medicaid Deadlines
CHS Deadlines
Medically Necessary
CHS paperwork
30 day deadline
What is Bio-psychosocial
Due the same day as the first session
What is the Intake paperwork, Diagnosing the client, Authorization if needed.
A covered health service or treatment that is mandatory to protect and enhance the health status of a patient, and could adversely affect the patient’s condition if omitted, in accordance with accepted standards of medical practice
What is Medically Necessary
When filling out intake paperwork, and part of the form does not apply to the client, what should the counselor do?
Draw a single slash through any blank space, or write N/A in the blank space
Taking Deep breaths while you drive, listening to meditative music, listening to a motivational CD
What are ways to use wellness while you drive
Due before the treatment plan
What is The Brief behavioral status exam
Due 14 days from the first session
What is the Bio-psychosocial
A client is discharged from CHS and returns the next week. The last Bio was completed 5 months ago, is it medically necessary to complete an updated Bio? Can this be billed to medicaid?
Yes, 6 months in most cases warrants the need to do a new assessment. It is billable if it is a new fiscal year, if it is not, the Bio still needs to be completed but marked as non-billable.
Bio-psychosocial, Indepth Assessment, Discharge Summary
What are forms that only the primary counselor signs
When a client is being very resistant and the counselor starts to persuade the client by giving advice
What is countertransference
Due every 6 months at a minimum
What is CFARS/FARS and Treatment plan reviews
Due within 24 hours of the first session
What is the CFARS/FARS
If a client is closed and a CFARS completed at discharge, and the client return one week later for therapy, is it medically necessary to complete another CFARS? What should the counselor do?
No, not in most cases. The counselor should complete a CFARS still, but it should be marked as non-billable.
Treatment plans, treatment plan reviews, Brief behavioral Status Exams, TSAs, POTTS requests
What are forms that only a Licensed Practitioner of the Healing Arts can sign
Arguing with a client, judging or criticizing, and sarcasm use in session or after the session.
What is countertransference
Due before 45 days, if you think you may not be able to get the treatment plan completed on time
What is TSA
Due by 21 days
What is the Treatment plan
The client appears to not be making progress, the master treatment plan consisted of 6 months goals, 3 months have gone by, is it medically necessary to complete a treatment plan review?
If a counselor is not sure they are going to get the treatment plan completed on time due to the client not returning calls or missing therapy sessions, what should they do?
Notify supervisor, document all attempts to contact the client in evolv, complete a TSA before the 45 day deadline, complete a Discharge CFARS/FARS, complete a Discharge summary, once this is uploaded, change the actual end date in evolv.
talking about your flaws, owning mistakes, acknowledging your personal values and their influence in therapy
Good self care, good ethics in counseling, and these can increase you level of wellness.
Due within 30 days of the last session
What is the Discharge Summary and the Actual End Date
Due when you open a client after administratively closing them
What is the updated Bio-psychosocial, new CFARS/FARS, new Brief Behavioral Status Exam, Treatment plan review. (If medically necessary the Bio and CFARS can be billable, if not, then marked as non-billable)
The client has been seen by the counselor for a year, the original 6 months goals have not been reached yet. No major changes have occurred in the clients life sense the start of therapy, What should the counselor do?
Complete an Indepth assessment to gather more information. Complete a new treatment plan review that is more realistic and attainable. Or Refer the client to more appropriate services.
It is the 1st of the month, a Thursday, mevnets are due to be checked today, when are they due to be turned in?
What is two Tuesdays from today.
Everyone has these. We experience these as a adult, they were developed in early childhood, likely. The cause a sometimes quick change in mood from positive to negative.
What are emotional triggers