Why was there a rock on the well? (2)
1)To prevent kids from falling in C"V
2) So people would not steal the water
Where do we see a פרטית השגחה in this posuk? (Vov)
Rochel was coming as Yaakov was asking about her father Lavan
Q:Why was Yaakov crying?
A: 1. Because he has a Nevuah that he would not be buried with Rochel 2. Because he had no gifts to bring Rochel.
__________ תתי אתה __________ אל
Yaakov to Lavan
באהבתו אתה
The seven years flew by like a few days because of Yaakov's love for Rochel.
Why was Rochel a shepherd? (2)
1) Leah's eyes were sensitive to the sun.
2)Rochel was younger so it was still tznius for her to be a shepherdess.
From where do we learn the power of כח? תפילה
1) Leah was supposed to marry Eisav but she davened and was able to marry Yaakov.
ותגד לאביה
Q: Why did she go tell her father and not mother?
A: Her mother had passed away.
__________ השלום לו__________ אל
Yaakov to people of Charan by the well
השלום לו
It is good to ask about your host before you are a guest somewhere.
What were the things that לבן heard? (5)
1) Yaakov rolled the rock of the well.
2) The water overflowed.
3) Hashem appeared to Yaakov
4) He got the Bechora
5) He was a honest person
What do we learn from the words ?בבקר ויהי
That Rochel gave Leah a sign so she would not be embarrassed at the wedding.
לבן בן אחי
Q: Why does it say brother if Rivkah was Lavans sister?
A: It can also mean relative.
__________ מה זאת עשית לי__________ אל
Yaakov to Lavan
שם הגדולה לאה ושם הקטנה רחל
Leah = full of wisdom and Knowdledge Mleah
Rochel - Full of Nevuah Ruach Kel
What does רכות mean? (3)
1) Tender
2) Soft
3) Beautiful
(They were red because she cried when she thought she would have to marry Eisav)
Why did לבן make a משתה specifically?
1) he wanted to tell the people of charan the plan so they would be on his side.
2) He wanted Yaakov to be drunk so he can trick him.
וישא יעקב רגלי
Q: What does it mean he lifted his feet?
A: He was happy because he knew Hashem was protecting him and when your happy your feel light hearted and its easier to walk.
ברחל בתך הקטנה
Yaakov was being specific because Lavan was tricky.
What kind of people were the people of the city, give an example?
1) They had achdus that they gathered by the well
2) They were not kind because Lavan told them he was going to trick Yaakov , and they didn't do anything about it.
From where do we learn that we should not mix two simchos together?
Lavan waited till after the Sheva Brachos of Leah and Yaakov to marry off Rochel.
ויחבק לו
Q:Why did Lavan hug Yaakov?
A:Lavan was trying to see if he was hiding presents in his chest.
כה( במקומנו)
Lavan says in our place its not custom to marry off the younger daughter first. In Charan the custom there is to marry the older daughter first.