How many season in the church calendar
What is the color associated with christmas
What is the first commandment
God is ur one god
What did moses do to get water
strike a rock
Colors of calendar
where was jesus born
in a stable in bethlehem
What is the 4th commandment
Honor your father and mother
the mountain where moses got 10 commandments
Mt Sinai
What season comes after ordinary time
Advent Lent
the angel who appeared to mary
2nd commandment
The food god gave to moses
Why do we wear purple during advent / lent
repentance and preparation
the gifts the wise men brought
gold, myrrh, frankincense
3rd commandment
honor the sabbath
What is the event that killed all firstborn sons of egypt
feast day on nov 1
all saints day
the very first people to hear of jesus birth
what is the 7th commandment
do not steal
how long was moses on mt sinai
40 days 40 nights