Heritage Hype
Holy Buildings, Holy Vibes
Saints on the Move
Moments of Magnitude


This is what you call your mom's mom.

What is grandmother or grandma?


The first temple built in the modern era was located in this city.

What is Kirtland, Ohio?


Brigham Young first arrived in the Salt Lake Valley on this date.

What is July 24, 1847


This being appeared to Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery in 1829, conferring the Aaronic Priesthood upon them, which was essential for the restoration of the gospel.

Who is John the Baptist?


This term refers to a family document listing all direct ancestors of a person, showing multiple generations. It also shares a name with a brand of dog food.

What is a Pedigree Chart?


This temple, dedicated in 1978, was the first in Latin America and is located in this country.

What is Brazil?

Before the main body of pioneers reached their permanent home, a group of early Mormons set up this temporary settlement near the Missouri River, serving as a way station on the trek west.

What is Winter Quarters?


This building, dedicated in 2000, can hold over 21,000 attendees, making it the largest auditorium in the Church.

The Conference Center


This website, often used for genealogical research, is owned by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

What is FamilySearch?


There are this many dedicated temples in the state of Idaho.

What is 6?


This hymn, written by William Clayton in 1846, became an anthem of hope for Mormon pioneers crossing the plains.

What is "Come, Come, Ye Saints"?


Prior to a change in 2012, sisters were required to be at least how many years of age to serve a mission?



In 1999, the Church began a partnership with this company, allowing millions of genealogical records to be digitized and made available online for research purposes.

What is Ancestry?


The Nauvoo Temple, which was completed in 1846, was the first to include this sacred ordinance, later expanded upon in later temples.

What is the endowment?


This Wyoming location, named after a handcart pioneer, became a refuge for Mormon settlers during a deadly 1856 blizzard.

What is Martin's Cove?


In 1830, Joseph Smith formally organized the Church in this New York town, marking the official beginning of the Latter-day Saint movement.

What is Fayette?


This ancient record from Jewish history, often used in genealogical research, lists the descendants of Adam to Jesus Christ.

What is The Bible (New Testament)?


These three Utah temples were built and dedicated before The Salt Lake Temple.

What are the Logan, Manti, and St. George temples?


This Utah landmark, a granite dome, was named by Brigham Young as a place for pioneer gatherings and still stands as a state park.

What is Ensign Peak?


This declaration, issued in 1978, extended the priesthood to all worthy male members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, regardless of race or ethnicity.

What is Official Declaration 2?
