Divinely Inspired Dudes
Digging Up The Truth
D&C - Doctrine and Chuckles
No Cap, This Book is a Gem

This prophet unintentionally tricked his brothers by dressing as Laban after snagging the brass plates.

Who is Nephi?


Joseph Smith dug up the golden plates from this New York hill.

What is the Hill Cumorah?


This D&C 89 health code says no to wine and strong drinks, but don’t worry—grape juice won’t get you a timeout from the bishop!

What is The Word of Wisdom?


This book in The Pearl of Great Price contains Moses’ vision of God’s creations and introduces the concept of worlds without number.

What is the Book of Moses?


He got a late-night visit from the angel Moroni in 1823 about some golden plates.

Who is Joseph Smith?


The text of the golden plates was written in this funky ancient language

What is Reformed Egyptian?


In D&C 76, Joseph and Sidney see this top-tier kingdom—hope they brought sunscreen for all that glory!

What is the Celestial Kingdom?


In Joseph Smith—History, Joseph Smith describes his experience with this religious group, which he initially joined before receiving his divine calling.

What is the Methodist Church?


This prophet is nicknamed the “American Moses"

Who is Brigham Young?


This woman, the only known female witness of the gold plates, was visited by an angel who showed her the plates as a reward for her faithful service to the early Saints.

Who is Mary Whitmer?


In D&C 25, this woman gets a shoutout as an elect lady?

Who is Emma Smith?


This city, mentioned in The Pearl of Great Price, was taken up into heaven because of the people’s righteousness.

What is the City of Enoch?


Before becoming the prophet, this Church leader served as the U.S. Secretary of Agriculture under President Dwight D. Eisenhower, where he promoted self-reliance and food storage.

Who is Ezra Taft Benson?


These two items were buried with the golden plates to aid Joseph’s translation.

What are the Urim and Thumim?


Missionaries love this section in the D&C because it reminds them to have "faith, hope, charity, and love..." Basically, it’s the perfect missionary resume checklist!

What is D&C 4?


In The Book of Moses, this prophet is described as the first man to receive the priesthood and was given authority to teach others about salvation, leading to the establishment of God's covenant.

Who is Adam?


As a young missionary in England, this future prophet felt discouraged and wrote to his father, who responded with the famous advice, "Forget yourself and go to work."

Who is Gordon B. Hinckley


Moroni first told Joseph about the golden plates on this exact date in 1823

What is September 21, 1823?


In D&C 57, this spot gets dubbed the center of Zion—too bad Missouri mosquitoes didn’t get the holy memo!

What is Independence?


The Book of Abraham contains the story of Abraham’s vision of the heavens. This specific star system was described as being the nearest to the throne of God.

What is Kolob?
