The place Joseph Smith went to pray aloud
What is the Sacred Grove
Second leader of The Church
Who is Brigham Young
The destination of the Saints
What is Salt Lake Valley
The biggest point of disagreement between U.S Government with the Saints
What is Polygamy
amount of temples on earth currently
what is 350-400(technically 367)
The Heavenly Messenger that guided Joseph Smith to the Gold Plates.
Who Angel Moroni
A Friend and associate of Joseph that lost 116 manuscript pages
Who is Martin Harris
The reason the saints began migrating
What is Missouri Executive Order 44 or Extermination
The end of the "Mormon Exodus"
When is Completion of the Trans-Continental Railroad/1886
A planned community consisting of all saints in originally planned to be in Missouri
What is "Zion"
The place where Joseph Smith lived as a 14 year old boy
What is New York
Joseph Smith and Hyrum Smith died here
What is Carthage Jail
The War that the Mormon Battalion was recruited for
What is The Mexican-American war
The name Given to Utah and surrounding areas Before being called Utah
What is Deseret/State of Deseret
What is Ricks College
The Scripture that inspired Joseph Smith to pray aloud
Hint: Book Chapter#: Verse
What is James 1:5
The first Temple
What is the Kirkland Temple
Length of the "Mormon Trail"
Hint: Margin of error is 100m
What is 1,300 Miles
2nd most popular place where saints settled other than Utah
What is California
The country with the second most amount of saints
What is Mexico
the amount of working days it took for the Book of Mormon to be translated.
Hint: Margin of error is 10
What is 70
The Heavenly messenger that Restored the Aaronic Priesthood
Who is John the Baptist
The Month that the Saints began travelling to salt lake
When is February
Utah Became a state in this year
Hint: Margin of error of 5 years
When is 1896
total population of the church currently
what is 17 million