He became the secretary to the pope who commissioned him to translate the Bible from Hebrew and Greek into Latin, known as the vulgate
Who is St. Jerome
The collapse of the_____________ ____________ was a cataclysmic event for pagans and Christians alike.
What is the Western Empire
The official list of inspired books of the Bible.
What is Canon
These types of councils are meetings of Catholic bishops from around the world, typically convened in order to discuss and resolve pressing theological topics.
What are ecumenical councils
In this year, we saw the ultimate severing of relations between the Roman and some Eastern Churches
What is 1054
He tirelessly defended the Catholic faith against heresies and his theological influence was only second to St. Paul.
Who is St. Augustine
The Eastern half of the Empire was called the _____________ _____________ and was ruled by Justinian I from 527-565.
What is the Byzantine Empire
From the early fourth century, the oldest complete copy of the Bible in existence.
What is Codex Vaticanus
One of the issues resolved at the Second Council of Nicaea was a dispute over the use of what?
What are icons or sacred images in liturgy.
A negative effect of the legalization of Christianity was that many became Christian simply to maintain Roman citizenship
What is true
Both he and his siter, St. Scholastica, found separate monasteries for men and women.
Who is St. Benedict
During his reign, He attempted to return the Roman Empire to paganism during the first three centuries of persecution.
Who is Julian the Apostate
The process of collecting and organizing the books of Sacred Scripture all took place in what time frame?
What is from first century AD to the fourth century.
Arianism was a heresy which denied Jesus' divinity by claiming that Jesus was not of the same substance as God the Father and condemned at which council?
What is the First Council of Nicaea in 325
Many Christians fled here in order to live the life of a hermit as a reaction to the negative consequences of Christianity's legalization
Where is the desert
He was consecrated a bishop in a most remarkable way and argued effectively against the Arian heresy.
Who is St. Ambrose
In his famous book, City of God, He takes a sweeping view of human history in the wake of the Visigoth's sack of Rome in 410.
Who is St. Augustine
The first surviving outline of the Rite of Eucharist comes from whom?
Who is Justin Martyr about in the year 155
In what centuries where the councils held that helped clarify Christian beliefs and deepen the Church's understanding of the faith?
What are the councils held between the 4th and 8th centuries.
Greek word for "God-bearer"
What is Theotokos
He secured the authority of the pope and stabilized the Church in Europe following the demise of the Roman Empire.
Who is Pope Gregory the Great
This became the preeminent patriarch because St. Peter had been the first bishop there and died there.
What is Rome
In agreeing on the canon of the New Testament, Church leaders used these three main criteria to determine the sacredness of the book
What are:
Apostolic origin
Orthodox content
This council condemned Monothelitism- the belief that because Jesus has two natures, He has two wills.
What is the Third Council of Constantinople
The Eastern Churches remained united with the pope's leadership unless this name is in the title
What is Orthodox