In 301 this country became the first to officially adopt Christianity as its religion.
When faced with execution for his faith, he famously said, "Eighty-six years I have served Christ, and he never did me any wrong. How can I blaspheme my King who saved me?"
This early heresy asserted that Jesus is not fully God.
Early Christians borrowed and adapted this type of Roman building for some of the earliest church buildings.
6th-century Irish monks were the first to write books that prescribed particular acts for particular sins in order to show genuine repentance. These acts were called this.
Jerome became the first to translate the Bible into Latin. His translation is commonly called this.
The Vulgate
Augustine is famous for arguing against this heretical theologian who asserted that man is not inherently sinful, & Adam only left a bad moral example which can be avoided.
Tertullian and Irenaeus both famously wrote against these heretics who sought higher forms of knowledge.