The gold statue at the top of the steeple blowing a horn...
The angel Moroni
These were brought to God by the brother of Jared to give light to the barges
He was the prophet who restored the church on Earth
Joseph Smith
He did this so we can all be resurrected one day and live with Heavenly Father
Died on the cross, atoned for our sins, sacrificed himself
This person presides over the whole ward
What kind of feelings do we experience while at the temple?
Peace, Joy, Love, Happiness, Calm (or similar)
Where in the world does the Book of Mormon take place?
The Americas
Who was the prophet before President Russel M. Nelson?
Thomas S. Monson
Where was Jesus Born?
A two-way promise we make with God
A covenant
How old do you have to be to have a temple recommend?
11 (turning 12 in that year)
Read Moroni 2:2
He is talking about giving the gift of.....?
The Holy Ghost
What were the plates made of that Joseph Smith had to translate the Book of Mormon from?
How many disciples did Jesus call?
What do the bread and water represent when we take the sacrament?
The blood and flesh of Jesus
Who do we perform ordinances for in the temple? (other than ourselves)
Our ancectors (the dead)
Which book comes FIRST? Jacob or Omni?
Where was the first temple built?
Kirtland, Ohio
What was the sign of Jesus Christ's birth?
A new, bright star in the sky
In the bible AND the Book of Mormon, what THREE people built boats?
Noah, Nehpi, and The Jaredites
What is one example of an ordinance that ISN'T baptism or sealing we do at the temple?
Endowment, Initiatory, Confirmation
How many chapters are in Alma?
How old was Joseph Smith when he first prayed in the sacred grove and saw Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ?
What are the names of THREE of Jesus's apostles?
Peter; James; John; Andrew; Philip; Judas Iscariot; Matthew; Thomas; James, the son of Alpheus; Bartholomew; Judas Thaddeus; and Simon Zelotes
In the miracle of feeding the 5,000, how many loaves and fishes did they start with?
5 loaves and 2 fishes!