Who built the Ark?
Who started the church?
Reverend Jonathan Greer
What is "Trouble Don't Last Always"
Who is Timothy Wright?
What is "Eat the cake, Anna Mae?"
What is Love Got to do With It?
What is "Home of the Whooper"?
What is Burger King?
What was the church name before Cathedral of Praise?
Pentecostal Tabernacle Church of God in Christ
What is Love and Happiness?
Who is Al Green?
What is "Rose?"
What is Titanic?
How many balls and strikes do you get in softball?
What is 3 strikes and 4 balls?
What was the street name of the original location of the church?
Clay St.
What is "Never Would Have Made It"?
Who is "Marvin Sapp"?
What is "We ride together we die together"
What is Bad Boys?
What is "Just Do IT?"
What is Nike?
Who walked on water?
Jesus and Peter
How many years has Bishop Maynard been the Pastor of Cathedral of Praise?
What is "I Wake up in the Morning and tell Myself Good Morning Gorgeous"?
Who is "Mary J. Blige"?
What is hop on one leg and bark like a dog?
What is Coming to America?
Who is a retired Deputy School Superintendent?
Who is Dr. Mary T. Maynard
Which disciple betrayed Jesus?
Judas Iscariot
Who is Cathedral of Praise Pastor?
Who is Pastor Jerry Mayard II
What is "Orchestrate?
What is "The Cathedral of Praise Choir"
What is "Love is Stronger than Any Addiction"?
What is "Diary of a Mad Black Woman?"
What is the theme of the church?
What is "God work our hands"?